The American Truth

Our system contains aspects of a shell game

The National Discussion


Democracy comes in two distinct versions.

A shell game is a game set up to make us believe we can easily win. We can partake, place our bets, and yet end up losing because the setup turned out to be a fraud. The American truth about our voting system is that it contains aspects of a shell game, often overlooked. The pictures of the two birds above should already tell it like it is, with the color green not visible in our system, yet dominant in the real-life image. The good news is that a first step for a fix is available, today, and it is provided in this article as well.

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An audience of democratic voters were booing Bernie Sanders when he praised the Cuban communist regime’s literacy program. He said something that made him unpalatable for the political center, and it cost Sanders the nomination.

Howard Dean found himself in a similar spot once, being outrageously popular only to see his popularity disappear like snow melting in the sun with one juvenile outburst captured on film and replayed on television. Yaaaay!

Donald Trump remarked that he could shoot someone in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue in New York and voters would still support him. He said something that not many people in their right mind would support, but it did not hurt Trump getting into office.

