Waiting on Two Candidates to Set 100% Renewables 2035 Goal, Everyone Else Already Has

Joe Thomas
The National Discussion
3 min readDec 2, 2019


Image Source: Shutterstock

There are only two Democratic Presidential candidates that seem to think reaching 100% renewable electricity generation by 2035 isn’t achievable. Vice President Joe Biden has set a goal of achieving 100% clean energy by 2050, which to many environmentalists is “too little, too late.” And, unfortunately, Mayor Michael Bloomberg hasn’t yet announced a 100% renewable goal. Both candidates have supported environmental legislation and initiatives in the past, but their relaxed and uninspired climate goals are problematic.

As of today, December 2nd, 2019, Mayor Bloomberg’s campaign website only has information on his previous environmental efforts as a philanthropist and Mayor. And, earlier this year, Mayor Bloomberg spoke out against Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal, but perhaps he will unveil an ambitious climate plan before Super Tuesday. He has in the past supported a Carbon Tax, which is something environmentalists could get excited about.

Vice President Biden’s campaign website has a thorough plan for addressing climate change, however, his headline message seems to focus largely on 2050 as the time horizon for achieving 100% clean energy. From Vice President Biden’s campaign website: “The United States must have a bold plan to achieve a 100% clean energy economy



Joe Thomas
The National Discussion

EV traveler, writer, futurist. Author of The Wealth of the Planet, While We Were Charging, and Martian Economics --> https://a.co/d/3z6f4CC