SDS Shitpost Table of Contents

The National Razor
Published in
1 min readMay 29, 2018

In chronological order, here are the shitposts where I go down the rabbit hole of the 1969 SDS convention, and verbalize my thought processes to you.

Unlike many of our other pieces, understand that this is blatant, unapologetic, pseudo-revisionist speculation on the part of the author, based on cursory research and their feel of DSA over these past two years. Take it as “opinion”, as a sort of non-Newtonian news, as a facet and lens through which to view the DSA’s weirdly hegemonic structures for a democratic organization. This is stream of consciousness, almost gonzo journalism, a gonzo polemic. But its a thing wehaven’t seen talked about elsewhere, and we hope that that gets you thinking in ways you haven’t before. It covers things rarely talked about, written by people too exhausted to give you more than links and the hook to get you going. Its rambling and unrewarding, but through the lens of sleep deprivation, things are brought to light. Buckle up.

