Thanks for playing! (abridged)

The short version of the thank yous.

Iain Simons
The National Videogame Arcade
2 min readSep 2, 2018


On September 2nd, we locked the doors on the NVA in Nottingham for the last time.

For the past three and half years, we’ve worked to serve you all up fun, engagement, entertainment, something different about videogames.

And now we’re moving up the road to Sheffield.

Some thank you’s are due.


Firstly, we need to thank anyone who has been to visit us. Olivia, our head of ops, always said that we have the best customers, and she’s right.
The equation is really simple. If you hadn’t come and supported us, we wouldn’t have survived. Sure part of that is financial, because you paid (thanks!) but a huge amount of that was also your friendship, your generosity, your patronage.

Thank you.

Nottingham City Council

We owe a huge debt of thanks to the people there that supported us throughout our time at Carlton st. It’s one of the worst times in living memory to be working in a local authority and we’re lucky to have friends as understanding as they have been. We’re looking forward to working more with them in the future on the festival and thank them for everything.

Our Patrons

It’s no secret that the road to opening and sustaining the NVA has been more than a little bumpy at times. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the support, kindness and generosity of our patrons both inside and outside the games industry.

Familes, Friends

They’re probably reading this whilst we’re working late / early and not being as present as we’d like to be. Everyone who works on the NVA knows that your sacrifice has been just as great as ours and that none of it would have been at all possible without your love and support. This doesn’t make it any easier, but know that none of us take it for granted.

Our team

I’m honoured and humbled to have been a part of the team that created this thing. Some of them are still with us, some of them aren’t, but I’m eternally grateful to all of them in ways that they might not realise.

Historically, whenever I name names in thank yous I always forget the most important people and upset them, so I don’t want to risk that too much here.

I know who they are and most importantly, they do.

Thank you.

Matthew (KOTOR) signs his work in an unflattering photo. Apologies.

So, that’s the end of episode two of the National Videogame Arcade.

We’re already working on episode three, and we’re can’t wait to share it with you. There’s so much more to come!

Thanks for reading.
Thanks for everything.

-Iain & The NVA team.

Like reading gratitude? You can enjoy a much longer version of this post here!

