Link Round-up April #1

Christopher Milner
The National Videogame Foundation
3 min readApr 13, 2018

April is no fool in the gaming industry

April is a great month for the arts and especially the gaming industry, with the return of our local Continue Network events and the world famous London Games Festival.

Here’s a round-up of some of the best links on the web this week, put some time aside to feed your gaming appetite — here we go!


Great news for the arts industry as a whole here, as funding has been boosted for specific students in the arts to improve their chances in starting a career. Music, drama and dance departments are all being given money, a welcome move for the gaming industry which will doubtless benefit from talent in these areas.

The British Academy Games Award winners were announced on Thursday and eerie underdog, What Remains of Edith Finch, took the top prize of Best Game. Sometimes referred to, perhaps belittlingly, as a ‘walking simulator’, the game’s narrative genius saw it beat huge competition to clinch the prestigious title.

We have a new exhibition at the National Videogame Arcade called The Lab, a new room about game making, game experiments and games in development. Play games exclusive to the NVA, games that aren’t finished, some that don’t even work properly and give feedback to developers before they release. This is your chance to be our very own Alpha testers! Get to the NVA to find out more.


Vice have written an excellent piece, in the light of the new Far Cry instalment, looking at how videogames use the same casting techniques at films. Narrative is ever more vital is videogames and actors are integral to the provision of an all-round fantastic experience.

Still from Far Cry 5. Courtesy of Ubisoft have released an incredibly insightful set of interviews with the winners of 2018’s Future Talent list, perfect for anyone interested in up and coming flair and getting their foot in the door.

Presenter of Go 8-Bit and games enthusiast Dara Briain kicked off the BAFTA Games Awards with a cracking, hilarious opening monologue. If you missed it, then look no further…


The London Games Festival, host to Now Play This, the festival of playful work and experimental game design at Somerset House, is coming to a close this weekend. The festival celebrates and explores international game design of past, present and future, with a plethora of interactive treats for all the family. Have a look at last years highlights for a serious dose of FOMO:

The Continue Network is now in full swing, with our first meet due in under two weeks. Hosted by the Headrow House in Leeds, the event takes places on April 27th from 1–6pm features talks from local videogame developers, commissioners and industry experts. For more information and to book your FREE TICKET, click here!

If you’re around for the Continue Network event on 27th April, why not stick around in Leeds for the third annual Code in the Dark competition. It starts at 7.30pm and pits some of the best front-end developers against each other in front of a live audience, get tickets here!

Code in the Dark. Courtesy of Engage Interactive


UK Young Artists have support which they can offer to anyone working towards Discover, Explore, Bronze and Silver Arts Awards. This includes free tickets to certain venues and performance events and great information about networking events. More information can be found here.

