Link Round Up — May #2

Bank holiday #2 is here just in time for the second instalment of the link round up, so roll up, roll up folks and prepared to be contented with content. Here’s our round up of everything creative, art and games.

Christopher Milner
The National Videogame Foundation
3 min readMay 25, 2018



Our friends over at Creative England have released their list of the 50 most innovative and disruptive creative companies and individuals across the UK. The CE50 features the revolutionary app FreelanceDiary and forward thinking organisation InnovateHer, who aim to decrease the gender imbalance in tech industries.

Some bittersweet news here with the recent announcement that the EU culture budget is set to receive a whopping 27% funding increase, just in time for the UK’s departure. The proposed €400 million boost will be released over 6 years, and will be sorely missed by UK industry.


GameIndustry.Biz recently spoke to some big cheeses in the games industry, who told them that tech is going to make things easier, not more difficult, in the future. Andrew Maximov, former Naughty Dog technical art director, said “Technology is actually going to make us better artists”. Check out the full article here.

Does the PS4 have an eight year life span?

The biggest news for gamers over the last week or so has been the confirmation that the PS4 will not be succeeded for at least another 3 years. There’s been much talk around the opportunity this provides Microsoft to jump in on a potential market gap with a new Xbox, and whether the PS4 has the legs to make it this far. Check out TechRadar’s comprehensive article on the news.


It’s been a month since our first regional meeting for the Continue Network, and we’ve had some time to reflect. We’re set to make a return at our next event in London, confirmed for July 3rd at the British Library. Keep an eye out for the list of speakers and schedule, which we will be releasing shortly — get around this!

Createch 2018 is just around the corner and is bringing some of the biggest names in the creative and technology industries together. This is right up our street and we cannot recommend this event enough , it’s a great place to rub shoulders with the most insightful members of our industries. The event takes place 12th June as part of London Tech Week — tickets are still available.

Matt Hancock MP. The Culture Secretary is a speaker at Createch 2018. Source: Getty

Over the next few days Casual Connect Europe 2018 is taking place in London and, we might say this about loads of events but, this is another one well worth attending. With speakers from Voodoo and Zynga, Casual Connect looks to combine art with real business acumen, something which Suzie Cross recently emphasised in our recent chat with her. Casual Connect is on 29–31 May, still time!


Apart from our Continue Network events, we want to get you all together in a more regular and informal format. We’re in the process of initiating these formats, but if you have any ideas of your own, remember this is your network — help shape it! Get in touch with Chris or Alice at the National Videogame Foundation: ;

