Happy Mother’s Day To My First Mom

Elie Wolf
The Nature Pages
Published in
3 min readMay 13, 2018
Santa Rosa Beach sunset, Florida

Mother Earth, in the cauldron of your belly I was formed. You took the stuff of stars and the forces of physics, and from an astonishing gestational period of billions of years, produced me, a small speck of a primate in a seemingly infinite Universe.

For this, I thank you, dear Mother.

I love my life. I love the feeling of oxygen moving in and out of my lungs.

I relish the feeling of my feet on the earth, and the movement of my limbs, all made possible because of the combination of particles and molecules that I’m allowed to borrow for a short time.

My muscles and bones are possible because of your gravity. I couldn’t exist in space without significant life support.

You give me everything I need and more…

You’ve even given me a baffling array of siblings…

Their beauty is awe inspiring, and I feel it is a privilege to even exist and walk upon your skin with them.

I know as a species, I’m not even well-developed. My kind is evolving, albeit at a disconcertingly slower pace than I’d like to see, given our capacity for destruction.

We’ve been toddlers for most of our modern existence.

Perhaps we are beginning to have a smattering of what Bill Plotkin calls “true elders” in his book Nature And The Soul. Bill believes that true adulthood, or “psychological maturity” is very uncommon and that our lack of intimacy with you, dear Mother, has separated us from our very souls.

I concur.

But I do have hope.

Photo credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/110056784623181883/

I believe we are beginning to get the attention of more people, those who would hear the cry of us so concerned for our brothers and sisters of other species, and for the very entities that provide the air we breathe, and the composition of our bodies.

By you who birthed us, dear Mother, we have been given the opportunity to function as part of a large, living, breathing organism.

We are one type of cell in a multi-system body that we call “Earth.”

So on this Mother’s Day, I want to thank you again, for my life.

In gratitude, I thank you for the ability to feel gratitude, joy, and ecstasy. For without the life you gave me, I would know none of these.

Happy Mother’s Day, dear First Mother.



Elie Wolf
The Nature Pages

Wildlife Artist & Photographer - Advocating For Animals Through The Visual Arts