We’ve Migrated!

The Navalist
The Navalist
Published in
1 min readMar 26, 2017

But we’re not leaving Medium forever.

In case you haven’t noticed, our Medium channel quickly grew stale. That’s because, when we first launched, we thought we would be focused on growing a Medium publication. However, as we talked to readers, and explored opportunity spaces, we realized that we needed a bit more customization options, as well as the ability to host a lot of our own data.

We are still going to be experimenting with Medium in the future. However, for now, most of our content will be over at


Stay tuned though. Medium’s great embedding features, and clean interface, have us intrigued as we seek to bring series naval discussions into the 21st century media environment.


Chris and The Navalist Team



The Navalist
The Navalist

Stories from the staff and authors of the Navalist.