5 Reasons Why You Need to Use a Blended Learning Model for Corporate Training

Sushrut Gaikwad
Published in
4 min readSep 19, 2017

Blended learning is a term increasingly being used to describe the combination of eLearning, traditional classroom training, and self-study to create a new, hybrid corporate training methodology. While HR and learning managers, who have been using traditional training models that are siloed in classrooms, continue to debate the efficacy of blended learning, its adoption across industries has challenged them to re-evaluate technology’s place in traditional corporate training programs.

In a nutshell, blended learning is a strategy that brings together the best of both classroom learning and eLearning. For eg, a fresh hire may attend onboarding training in a classroom setting, and then supplement the lesson plan by completing eLearning modules. She may then take online assessments to test her understanding of the subject.

For many CLOs, HR managers, and Learning & Development professionals, blended learning is becoming the next big thing due to its impact not only on employee training and development but also on the learning process itself.

Here are some insights into how a blended learning training model boosts employee development and engagement.

1. It’s engaging
Children’s books often feature a large number of illustrations as a means to achieve a higher level of engagement. Also, well-designed books with intuitive illustrations and memorable characters tend to be a great hit among young audiences.

The blended learning approach, much like children’s books, achieves much higher levels of employee engagement by using a plethora of training mediums such as multimedia, presentations, instructor-led training (ILT), and classroom sessions. For eg, Occupational safety related training in manufacturing industries can be tailored to suit the interests of the blue collar workforce, which will eventually consume it. Such training modules do a much better job at transferring critical knowledge to employees.

2. It’s trackable
Using an LMS to implement a blended learning program makes tracking performance quick and convenient. Virtually every aspect of the training can be tracked to gauge employee performance and retention levels, from the answers they mark in an online assessment to their level of progress in a particular training module.

Tracking progress and final assessments are crucial in industries such as retail. An employee can’t be deployed in the field unless he has gained critical knowledge. For eg, a cashier needs to know how to operate the cashier machine before he starts working at a retail outlet.

3. It’s flexible
Blended learning allows your employees to access training modules using mobile devices or laptops anytime, anywhere, and it offers them control in a way that traditional classroom training cannot.

The mix of a real and a digital model will allow your employees to plan their learning as per their own schedule, making your L&D program highly flexible. Furthermore, using multiple channels and multimedia for your training program will allow your employees to access large amounts of information via multiple mediums, such as videos, books, ebooks, etc, successfully catering to their different learning needs and preferences. For eg, Salespersons are on the go 24x7. Completing hour-long training modules on their PCs is impossible for them to do. Mobile-enabled learning suits them better as they can simply whip out their smartphones and complete training modules while they’re waiting for a flight or a client to arrive.

4. It’s time-saving
By testing and quizzing online, the trainer can reflect on the employee’s performance in her free time without wasting valuable time in class. The trainer has extra time to connect with learners, resolve doubts, address issues, and boost motivation levels.

5. And it’s cost-effective
Blended learning reduces training costs as it requires fewer trainers and less often. Of course, online training comes with its own costs; it requires multiple resources and skilled professionals to design high-quality online training modules. However, these are merely one-time investments. Online training content, once developed, can be reused. The cost of content creation can be optimized by using the right mix of classroom training and self-paced online learning.

In summary
Blended learning for corporate training is not only versatile, cost-effective, and engaging, but also a more natural way to learn. Empower your employees to become active participants in your company’s success by putting them through a well designed, learner-centric training program.



Sushrut Gaikwad
Editor for

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