7 Ways In Which Mobile Learning Impacts Corporate Training

Shubham Magdum
Published in
4 min readNov 29, 2017

More and more humans are bringing mobile devices into their lives. A veritable third of humanity — that’s more than 2 billion — now carries a mobile device with at least some amount of computing power!

It comes as no surprise that, mobile devices, in addition to connecting us to the global network, act as facilitators of social interaction and mobile learning. Moreover, smartphones have already outsold desktops, notebooks, and netbooks put together.

This is radically changing the way we live. As an L&D professional, why not harness this shift to change the way our learners learn?


Mobile learning, in it’s essence, can be looked at in two ways:

  • As a tool to meet learning needs.
  • As a learning content delivery platform.

The phrase mobile learning is most often used to describe the technology — the mobile devices and apps used for the sake of learning, however it may also be used to describe the support of always-on learning with mobile technology.


Following are some ways in which mobile learning impacts corporate training.

1. It Empowers Learners

Mobile Learning is a learner-centric solution that puts participants in control of their training requirements. It can offer an educational experience that is “just enough, just in time, just for me.” Adult learners work full-time or have other obligations that could interfere with their learning. At the same time, some adults are mobile in their work and personal life. Mobile learning will empower learners by placing learning in the hands (pockets) of adults.

2. Eases Access To Information

Interaction on desktop machine takes place in a bubble, wherein the learner sits at one place and accesses information. Mobile learning makes interaction possible via a mobile device, simplifying the process of accessing information anytime and from anywhere.

3. Reaches Scattered Employees

One of the most important benefits of using m-learning is the ability to reach employees working from remote locations. For eg, employees working in remote sectors can access learning content online. Contents such as product updates, customer personas, compliance updates, sales pitches, etc.

4. Engages With Informal Learning

The biggest benefit of mobile learning that it provides learning opportunities anytime and anywhere. Up to 98% of adults engage in informal learning. Mobile platform provides an obtrusive way of learning through games, even though there is no or limited internet access. One of the intrinsic motivators for learners is control over their learning goals. In the informal learning context, learners have control over their own goals and the freedom to choose the activities they want to join.

5. Enhances Collaboration And Engagement With Social Learning

Research shows a shifting preference among millennials from sharing ideas in person to doing so online. You can leverage this ‘social’ aspect of Mobile Learning(Facebook, Twitter etc) to generate conversations about training, prolonging the learning experience and increasing motivation and engagement.

6. Allows Re-usability Of Content

Earlier, the main source of knowledge was classroom-based lectures, which have a linear format with no rewind or fast-forward options. With the evolution of mobile technology however, training content can be chunked down, increasing flexibility and robustness. Ever missed any important lecture? With m-learning learners get the chance of learning a concept over and over again.

7. Reduced Training Duration

The advent of the mobile device enabled learners to “carry” learning with them. They facilitate effective learning even in hours considered to be “dead”, such as the time spent in travelling or waiting at the airport. Because of this learning can lead to the better application of knowledge and overall training time can be reduced. Shorter learning experiences allow key messages to be retained and assimilated much better than longer, stretched-out lectures do.

Final word

With the bulk of individuals carrying a device in their pockets capable of acting as an agent and mediator for learning content and applications, the advent of mobile learning is upon us.

2017 is the year that’s forcing us to think about what mobile technology can do for learning. I am ready for the change, are you?



Shubham Magdum
Writer for

Man of action, Interested in startups, Dreamer, Addicted to badminton, Achiever