Origins #24 — BrandCraft

Julian Samarjiev
The Needle
Published in
2 min readJul 11, 2017

Evoking reactions

During the last few months we’ve been creating various types of content (blogs, vlogs, podcasts), with a very open minded approach, just trying stuff out.

It’s been very beneficial to collect data points on what type of content indexes the most in the current media landscape, both when it comes to the different platforms, as well as seeing what type of content best suits our personalities. Text, audio and video are very different animals, and naturally we won’t be equally good at all of them.

Deploying self-awareness will be key, as we are putting not only our product out there, but also our personalities and it makes sense to leverage our strong points and do so in a context that we feel more confident we can provide the most valuable content.

How it all ties into creating a brand?

A brand is an ever evolving entity, but for the first iteration of what DULO would be, we let it come very naturally through doing and creating. We gave ourselves the time before the official launch, while building the product, to let the brand vision come naturally, much like we waited for the company name to come to us, rather than chasing it.

Our eagerness to start building the company, resulted in pumping out a lot of content, sometimes sacrificing quality in the interests of quantity and speed. Data, feedback and points of resonance, with our audience, gave us a lot of insight and direction on what we need to focus on for in the near future.

We also used the time to consume a lot of content about branding and marketing, mainly through podcasts, articles and videos, which reminded us that, crunch time is coming and we should double down on brand building.

Furthermore, having an innovative physical product, which will be sold online, means that it’s that much more important to create a relationship with our community, through communicating who we are and what benefits we believe our products can provide. Therefore, it’s our responsibility to craft an immaculate experience every time a person interacts with the brand.

Shift in Gears

The result of the aforementioned experiences will result in a subtle shift of focus. The two most important things that we need to take care of in the next couple of months are product development and creating our e-commerce store.

We will also tweak our content strategy, reducing the quantity of content and improving the quality. We’ll of course continue to double down on the things that have been working great so far, e.g. podcasting, video content and networking with people.


Do you have experience in building a brand, or can think of companies that have done it right? Let us know in the comments below, let’s get a discussion going!

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this article, or find our journey interesting, please hit the ❤ button, it would mean a lot us and helps other people see the story!

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Julian Samarjiev
The Needle

Co-founder of DULO, where we make performance dress shirts for DOers 👇