Origins #97 — The new homepage is live!

Our final version and what changed from the initial designs.

Julian Samarjiev
The Needle
4 min readFeb 15, 2019


In this series we are documenting the journey of building DULO, starting from Day 1. Every week we publish a new chapter that takes you behind the scenes of our process. With every article we want to provide value to you, the reader. We share the success and failures, the opportunities and the challenges that we face while executing our vision.

If you are new, check out our previous post.

In our last post we shared the designs we had for our new homepage and now that the new page is live (check it out), I want to take you through and share the thinking behind it.

*You’ll see that the design changed a bit, but that’s the nice thing about still being a small operation, we can always iterate, learn from feedback and change things quickly on the fly.

The banner

We are trying to do 4 things here:

  1. Show the product right away being worn by a happy human.
  2. Aspirational high-level branding title, talking about the YOU instead of US. (positioning us as the guide, not the hero, the hero being the client)
  3. A clear, fast and easy to understand explanation on the product level
  4. CTA (second one in that view, including the one in the top nav)


Here we have the main benefits of the product in a format that is easy to scan.

Product row

- The first introduction of the actual product in an e-com context, showing our best selling items.

- Another CTA

Failure — benefits

- The negatives/failure of NOT OWNING the product and the cons in the long run (time waste), compared to the benefits of OWNING IT.

- Some visual cues with a non-iron and a time icon.

- Throw in another CTA in there with a different copy.

- And we close off with a solid number of hours that the product is saving, AN ACTUAL formula that Marin made to calculate how much time we are saving in total as the product reaches more people and time goes by, just in case someone asks. (I dare you to ask)


A review of the product from one of our most influential and better-known clients. It summarises the benefits of the product nicely while building up more social proof and confidence.

The plan/how it works

If folks happen to scroll all the way down to this section, there is a high chance they are somewhat interested in the product and here we want to propose a 3 step plan on the next steps to reduce friction and brain power from their side thinking about what they should do next, or which CTA to click.

Size form and guide

A little cheeky play on words, but also a section that is super important for people buying a dress shirt online, without first trying it on physically.

Based on our experience so far and feedback from people, we can assess quite well what size would fit best based on height and weight and therefore try to provide an additional service for anyone considering, as well as create a context for a 1:1 communication that can push towards a sale by proxy of good customer experience.


A little motivational end to the homepage, which ties into the general brand we want to create and the people we want to talk to. Also a collection of images which showcase the product further on different people, while also adding another layer of social proof.

Nothing is ever finished, perfect or complete, but this new homepage has been a solid step both towards a better user experience, as well as a great exercise in branding and copy that we plan on diving into deeper in general for all our communication.

The next pages that we’ll tackle to bring the website to a consistently good experience will be the collection page, followed by the product page.

And here is the full page:

What do you think about the new homepage?

If you are on a search for a dress shirt consider checking out our products at



Julian Samarjiev
The Needle

Co-founder of DULO, where we make performance dress shirts for DOers 👇