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The Needle
The Needle
We want to share our process of building DULO with you. Join us on this journey of building a lean mean business machine. We will be documenting our thoughts and experience while doing so.
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Build it and … TELL them about it

Origins #53

“Build it and they’ll come.”

Coming from the IT industry, I’ve heard that a few times.

Our First AMA

Origins #51

The past week we hosted our first AMA on fashionama.amafeed.com. I’ve selected some of the best/most interesting questions to include in this week’s Origins, as I think it’s another great way of giving you a peek behind the curtains and how we think about…

Origins #41 — weardulo.com v2

Optimising for conversion

In our previous post we talked about finding a partner to handle our digital marketing efforts.

In this one, I want to take you through our next steps and what we’ve been working on…

Origins #40 — November at DULO HQ

What we’ve been up to

In our previous post we shared how we think about discounts and weighing long-term vision vs short-term wins. In this post, I’ll be less philosophical and just share what we’ve been up to for the past week.

Origins #38 — The things we leave out

Short-term sacrifices when building a brand

In our last Origins post, we shared the plan for the near future, when it comes to the website and our digital marketing strategy.