Natural Variance in Sexual Orientation and Gender

Dr. Kwame Brown
The Neighborhood Neuroscientist
4 min readSep 19, 2016

Sexual Orientation and Gender Are More Diverse Than You Think

I am always a bit taken aback when people buy into the idea that sexual orientation and gender are supposed to be perfect, unvarying binaries (two options for each). How could that be? Every single trait or behavior shows variance (many examples not like the norm).

Here is the short answer, in two parts: We are afraid things are not simple. We are also terribly misinformed about science, nature, and history.

The purpose of this article is to briefly address some of the arguments I see people make on behalf of a strict binary. This is by no means meant to be comprehensive, but can act as a primer for you to search more on your own.

Note: I will not be addressing whether homosexuality or alternative gender identities are “genetic” because a) I do not care and b) The complexity of either is too great to really know that.

Human Desire for Simplicity


Let me address the first reason. We tend to want our lives to be tidy, and to live within predictable systems. This lowers stress. Also, once societal norms are well established, we are stressed by behaviors outside of these norms. That departure from the norm causes stress can be seen when pretty much any behavior is considered. I think also that some feel their entire belief system threatened when any rule within that system is challenged.

Misinformation Abounds

The most repeated reasoning I hear for why non-binary genders or sexual orientations are “wrong” involve appeals to nature or history.

Both are wrong.


Non-binary sexual activity abounds throughout the mammalian kingdom. Yes, the majority of sexual activity involves the opposite sex. However, that this “norm” does not reflect the entire tapestry of sexual activity is an understatement. This behavior has been observed systematically by researchers across the globe in hundreds of species. While it is true that animals do not adopt a homosexual “orientation” or identity, it stands to reason that only humans would even bother with that. An animal will just do what it does without having to join an internal group. Humans are the only species with the apparent need to name someone to an exclusive group in a way that is permanent and unyielding.

With regard to gender identity, plenty of animals buck the binary. Why do they do this? Why would animals strike curious poses? Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Well, they can alter gender characteristics, roles, and biology for reasons including protection, species preservation, and population control.

A good friend of mine, a neuroscientist who also happens to identify as homosexual, has wondered if homosexuality is a form of built in population control. I suspect that there are a great number of reasons for human homosexuality and bisexuality.



Then, there is the idea that heterosexuality is the way it has “always been”. That, too is false. There is a plethora of examples of homosexual behavior and identity throughout history and across cultures. This idea that the media is somehow creating an epidemic of homosexuality and homosexual behavior is ridiculous. More than likely, they are making it more acceptable for people to be themselves.

You think gender identities outside of “man” and “woman” are a new thing somehow created by modern media? You could not be more wrong. Well, maybe you could. But it would be difficult. Check out the PBS Independent Lens Series on Gender Identity. They actually did enough research to create a worldwide map of historical (and present) acceptance of non-binary gender identities. A curious thing is repeated in descriptions of several cultures that were historically accepting of non-binary identities: “Prior to colonization”. If you want to create an ordered, subservient working class with plenty of bodies to throw at labor and send to war — you would want to create as many children as possible. That means making sure that men are pairing with women as much as possible.

I’m just saying.


Finally, from a biological perspective, I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would think systems as complex as those determining sexual attraction and gender identity would have less natural variance than any other system in the body.


Sexual attraction integrates activity in the nervous and endocrine systems with time, and history. I would expect a lot of variability in something that had to coordinate hormones and complex neural circuits throughout the process of development.

So, I don’t really know what I hope comes out of this article/video. I guess I just hope that people will reconsider their views, and especially stop trying to legislate the lives of other consenting adults. We simply do not know enough to do that, and the case for anyone being hurt is awfully, awfully thin.


