Chat UI for Wealth Management

Sudhir Nain
Bayzil | Product Design and UX
5 min readJul 29, 2015


Talk to any financial advisor and they will say that phone and email isn’t the best way to communicate with clients.

Clients too, would rather use something like WhatsApp to have a chat with their financial advisor. So here’s how some common interactions might look like.


A welcome message from the top level is a great way to build trust and establish contact with the newly acquired client through the new platform.

The relationship manager or the client advisor sends the first message as soon as the client joins the messaging platform. Also introduces the client to Wealthbot.

Wealthbot is a friendly robot and immediately introduces itself as a helpful virtual assistant who will answer regular simple questions as well as run complex rule based interactions with the client.

Client Onboarding

Regulatory requirements might not be particularly friendly to onboarding via chat, but the industry is making progress on this front and soon KYC and authentication via digital channels will become the norm.

Even if a portion of onboarding remains non digital, there is enough that can be done via digital channels, for example needs assessment.

Paper forms or even digital forms are clunky. Applying a messaging layer to this process can reduce a lot of this initial friction. No human interaction will be required since this is a rules based process.

Subscription Based Information Snacking

Sharing investment ideas can be automated by letting clients subscribe to the different types of information. This information will be presented as cards that can be flipped or expanded to reveal more.

Sharing Articles, Videos, Podcasts, Pictures, and Other Files

One of the killer features of the platform is its native publishing capability. Much like “Facebook Instant Articles” but not just limited to text publishing. Any media file can be shared and viewed natively without exiting the platform via a fully functional audio player, video player, and reading friendly format. This is key to creating and end to end content consumption experience.

Ideas can be shared either by the bot or the by the advisor upon the client’s request or based on subscription preferences. Seamless integration with content management systems will make this experience more rich.

Simple and Clean Reading Experience

Medium to long form text must load fast and offer a simple and clean reading experience. Get the perfect online reading experience because the platform clears away everything but the content- text and relevant images.

If you don’t have time to finish reading, tap on the star icon to save it to your favorites and finish reading later.

To take the experience further, integration with the likes of Pocket, Readability, and Instapaper will make the platform fit into user’s current tool usage. Sometimes it just makes sense to meet the user where they are.

Ask Me Anything (AMA)

AMA’s were popularized by Reddit in 2012 where megastars have opened themselves to the Reddit community and dedicated as much as 5 hours answering literally any question that a user might ask. Even Stephen Hawking did it.

Wealth clients would love access to the otherwise difficult to reach senior most experts via this platform.

If done right, AMAs can build engagement and loyalty towards people and brands very quickly. Depending on how you’d like to serve a particular client, AMA’s can be public or private, paid or free.

Email Becomes a Conversation

Long email threads are a terrible way to communicate and they are not suitable in any situation, leave alone an investment conversation between client and advisor.

But emails aren’t going anywhere soon. This chat platform has the ability to initiate a discussion via email but continue on the messaging platform. And vice versa.

When advisors gets an email from the outside world that they want to share with the client, they just import that email as an object, no copy-paste needed.

Search Anything

With all communication between the wealth advisor and the client in one place, it can become overwhelming to keep track of all things.

Both, the clients and the advisors can search the entire platform from a single search box. All conversations, files, articles, and media are included in the search results.

Not only is the search super fast and friendly, but it’s also filterable. Use the search filter options to narrow your search to conversations only with Paul, only in a certain month, or any of several other filters.



Sudhir Nain
Bayzil | Product Design and UX

Product Designer. Co-founder and CEO of Bayzil, a product design studio creating products customers love.