Pokémon Go: Behind the Screen

Anna-Michelle Lavandier
The Nerd Castle
Published in
7 min readJul 31, 2016
Licensed for reuse.

With the popularity of the Pokémon Go mobile app, available on both Android and iOS devices, potentially reaching its peak, many nerds are making their way outside and seeing the world in a new way. While some may not appreciate a large group of teen-aged to middle-aged individuals running around trying to catch a Blastoise on their phones at a park in the middle of the night, these gamers are bonding with this newly-found world view.

Here are a few examples from Pokemon Go players using screenshots from their own experience to tell their story.

Kyunyan Xie, Team Instinct, New York

Credit: Kyunyan Xie. Used with permission.

Explaining the Screenshots: I was trying to to catch a Bellsprout in Chinatown, but the app froze so I thought that was funny. For the Pineapple Dragon screenshot, I was on the subway and saw the Pokestop along the way and thought the stop name was funny. I passed by the Working Windmill Pokestop while catching Pokemon AKA walking at the park near my house and saw the caption of the stop and thought kinda funny.

About the player: People were starting to talk about [the app] and Iwanted to see what the fuss is about. I already knew about the game before it was released and the background [about it].

I like that it is a motivation to go outside and see places you normally don’t go. See if you can catch the rare Pokemons. Honestly, the game is getting repetitive but I still want to take a bus for no reason just to hatch an egg.

Hajira Ahmed, Team Instinct, Florida

Credit: Hajira Ahmed. Used with permission.

About the Screenshot: For some of the photos, I have been at work or Walgreens, but for the other Pokémon, I was outside getting some fresh air and picked some fruit. For this screenshot, I was looking for lotion when decided to open the app. I saw that Exeggcute was there and wanted to catch it. I don’t know whether the game knew where I was, but I thought the coincidence was hilarious!

About the player: I downloaded the app because I needed an excuse to make myself exercise, it’s been working so far. I’m enjoying how interactive it is and how the Pokémon are found according to where you are in real time. It’s an exceptional game and a great way to work out.

Tyler Jean, Team Mystic, Kentucky

Credit: Tyler Jean. Used with permission.

About the Screenshot: I was roaming around downtown Owensboro, KY when a Pikachu popped up at one of the lure modules. I was with a friend he was on instinct and I asked him to take the pic.

About the player: I played a lot of the earlier games and loved the show growing up. Plus, I am a gamer of all kinds. I’ve always enjoyed running now I can run and hatch a egg while I do it or ride my bike. I’ve never really been lazy. I was in a local play Beauty and the Beast. I’m also a local photographer.

Leo De Oliveira, Team Mystic, Florida

Credit: Leo De Oliveira. Used with permission.

About the Screenshots: [For these screenshots,] I was in my friend Jason’s passenger seat driving through Downtown Tampa.

About the player: I was anticipating it and I’m a big fan of the franchise/series. I enjoy walking around and encountering Pokemon like you would in the games.

Victoria Dyker, Team Mystic, New Jersey

Credit: Victoria Dyker. Used with permission.

About the Screenshots: With the Bellsprout, we were just chilling in my friend Erin’s basement. For Jigglypuff, I was pulled over on the side of the road trying to catch it and it froze when it was zoomed in.

About the player: I enjoy running into other people who are also playing. It’s fun to see businessmen in suits running across parks, 10- and 20-year-olds mingling and helping each other, someone screaming about a Charmander somewhere and everyone within earshot whips out their phone and races over. I was part of one of those stampedes.

I downloaded the app due to nostalgia, mainly, but also to see what all the hullabaloo was about. I enjoy seeing everyone actually going outside and getting along despite the different teams.

Ashley Carver, Team Mystic, Florida

Credit: Ashley Carver. Used with permission.

About the Screenshot: I was walking and driving around with my husband hunting for pokemon and poke-stops.

About the player: I was secretly obsessed with Pokemon when I was little. Downloading this app just gave me back some of my childhood. I enjoy finding the camaraderie between strangers, spending time with my husband, and exploring new areas.

Kennedy Bhagwandeen, Team Valor, New York

Credit: Kennedy Bhagwandeen. Used with permission.

About the Screenshots: I’ve taken these screenshots over the course of a few days in different locations [either] to track certain Pokemon or for a meme. Bulbasaur gave me a battle for three days.

About the player: I’ve waited a while for [the app]! I couldn’t wait for the game since it was first talked about. It feels like I am living the dream I had as a child. Basically reliving my childhood in a new way. lol.

Kayla Toomey, Team Mystic, Massachusetts

Credit: Kayla Toomey. Used with permission.

About the Screenshot: I have a Pikachu tattoo which was drawn and designed by my little sister who is also a big Pokemon fan. So I thought it would be cool to take a picture of Pikachu on my tattoo. I was driving (don’t look at your phone and drive), I looked at my phone briefly just having the app open waiting for it to vibrate. When I saw the little yellow fellow I was eager to find, I clicked on it repeatedly while still paying attention to the road. Once I had come to a stop, I looked down to see it was on my capture screen. I kept him there until I reached my destination and took the picture making sure Pikachu was on top of my tattoo.

About the player: I’m a huge Pokemon fan and have been since the show came out, and enjoyed playing all the games that were released through out the years. Finding out I could actually run around finding Pokemon I grew up loving was amazing, my inner child exploded with excitement.

I love the fact I can run around getting more exercise, seeing others out and about playing it sparked up conversations which normally would have never happened. Having a mutual interest is a great way to start any conversation. I also really like how some of the Pokestops brought me to beautiful scenic places in my city which again I would have never noticed if it wasn’t for Pokemon Go.

The Nerd Castle is an ongoing thesis project that will be used to explore, showcase and expose diversity and the issues surrounding it within the gaming community. Anna-Michelle can be found on Twitter @amlavandier.



Anna-Michelle Lavandier
The Nerd Castle

Journalist, gamer, anime/manga enthusiast, BTS ARMY since 2015 and avid coffee drinker. 2016 CUNY Social Journalism M.A. grad and 2014 UCF Journalism B.A. grad.