Create Stunning DALL-E 3 Images Using ChatGPT Custom Instructions

Joe Slade
The Nerd Circus
Published in
5 min readNov 14, 2023

Recent advances in AI art generation systems like DALL-E have enabled the creation of stunning generated imagery. However, these systems require carefully structured prompts and guidance to produce high-quality results. This is where ChatGPT’s hidden custom instructions feature comes in.

The Rise of AI Art Generation

In the past few years, AI art generators like DALL-E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion have exploded in popularity. These systems use techniques like diffusion models and deep learning to synthesize incredibly realistic and artistic images based on text prompts. However, their output is highly dependent on receiving well-crafted prompts as input. Garbage in, garbage out — without proper guidance, these systems will generate nonsensical or low-quality images.

Using ChatGPT to Optimize DALL-E Prompts

This is where ChatGPT’s lesser-known custom instructions capability comes into play. By activating this feature, users can provide ChatGPT with specialized text blocks to shape its responses when generating images via DALL-E. Instead of manually crafting elaborate prompts, the AI assistant can be guided to automatically produce detailed, optimized prompts with minimal user input.

Credit to Ben Schade for showcasing this approach along with the custom prompt instructions on his Youtube channel, Glibatree:

Pick up the original custom instructions here:

Using ChatGPT’s custom instructions you can provide DALL-E with a well defined prompt structure and generation guidelines to produce higher quality image output from very simple inputs.

Including insightful definitions for your various prompt elements such as art medium, subject, lighting, and detailing provide DALL-E with much needed context for crafting better quality imagery.

These are the simple prompts used to create the coffee and sushi themed stock photography style images showcased in this post.

close up photos of a cup of coffee

a close up photo of a Sushi platter with assorted rolls

Implementing Custom Instructions

Taking advantage of custom instructions is straightforward:

  • First, open ChatGPT and switch to DALL-E under the “Tools” menu.
  • Next, paste in your custom instructions for prompt structure and generation guidelines into the provided text boxes.
  • Finally, toggle on the “Use instructions” setting.

Once enabled, ChatGPT will now automatically structure highly detailed prompts for DALL-E based on simple user input. This unlocks the art generation system’s full potential, allowing users to quickly generate creative, high-quality AI art.

In short, ChatGPT’s custom instructions offer an invaluable but underused capability for structuring better prompts. Implementing this feature helps you maximize results from AI systems like DALL-E 3 with much less effort.

Crafting High-Quality AI Art Prompts

While ChatGPT’s custom instructions enable much better image generation right out of the box, crafting the instructions themselves is a bit more art and science to get just right. Following prompt writing best practices allows users to maximize both the quality and creativity of the AI art produced.

Providing Clear Instructions

When structuring custom instructions for ChatGPT, clear and detailed language is key. Ambiguity leads to muddled results, while being overly vague grants the AI too much interpretive range. Focus on using:

  • Descriptive wording to set the scene and subject matter
  • Style specifications like “impressionist”, “art deco”, “cartoon”
  • Lighting cues such as “soft”, “harsh”, “chiaroscuro”
  • Emotive guidance e.g. “serene”, “ominous”, “hopeful”

Iterating for Refinement

Prompt writing is an iterative process. Start with a basic prompt then ask ChatGPT to build on it with additional details and flourishes. Continue iterating to incrementally improve phrasing and imagery. Key points:

  • Begin with a simple 1–2 sentence prompt
  • Let ChatGPT expand the prompt with details
  • Tweak and refine over multiple generations
  • Balance specificity with space for AI creativity

Unleashing Creativity Across Styles

An advantage of custom instructions is guiding ChatGPT to generate varied creative styles while maintaining theme cohesion. For example:

  • Request a character in styles like anime, steampunk, Cubism
  • Ask for a scene in nighttime, sunset, foggy, surreal versions
  • Specify color palettes, outfits, architecture, eras

Asking for Variations

Once you have an initial image, request modifications:

  • Add or change elements and subjects
  • Adjust lighting, angle, framing, composition
  • Modify color palette, outfits, landscape
  • Change art style, medium, texture

Iterating on variations allows refinement of the visual qualities gets more mileage out of each prompt and generation.

Optimized prompts balance clear direction with enough flexibility for the AI to interject imagination. With practice, instructions can unlock DALL-E’s full artistic potential.

Better AI Art Through Instructions

Leveraging ChatGPT’s custom instructions can offer you a powerful way to tap into the full potential of AI art generation systems like DALL-E 3. By following the steps in this guide, you can easily create your own custom prompts that unlock dramatically better results.


Implementing custom instructions yields significant benefits:

  • Detailed, optimized prompts from minimal user input
  • Balances guidance with AI creativity and imagination
  • Allows easy pivoting between styles and variations
  • Maximizes quality from limited free generations

Next Steps

To quickly generate stunning AI art:

  • Activate ChatGPT custom instructions
  • Craft prompts iteratively for refinement
  • Use descriptive guidance for styles and elements
  • Build variations by modifying initial images
  • Check out my beginner’s guide on prompt craft

Boosting Free DALL-E Limits

Free access to DALL-E has generation limits. But GPT-3.5 can be used to generate prompt text, while Bing Image Creator handles the image synthesis. This maximizes your potential free generations.

The Future of AI Art

As systems continue advancing, custom instructions will become even more critical for producing high-quality results. The techniques covered in this guide help future-proof prompt engineering as AI art evolves.

ChatGPT’s persistent custom prompts can elevate DALL-E 3 art to new creative heights. Follow these best practices to unlock the full power of AI generation with ease.



Joe Slade
The Nerd Circus

I am a writer, artist and technology geek. As a newly minted digital nomad, I've developed a love for exotic locations, craft coffee, and sturdier flip-flops.