Gemini vs GPT-4: Unveiling the Truth Behind AI’s Latest Controversy

Joe Slade
The Nerd Circus
Published in
6 min readDec 19, 2023
AI generated image: close-up macro photo of a micro chip

In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, Google’s recent unveiling of its Gemini AI model has sparked a whirlwind of attention and controversy in the tech community. ‘The Nerd Circus’ readers, comprising tech professionals and enthusiasts, are no strangers to the breakthroughs and challenges that define this dynamic field.

This article aims to better understand the swelling debates surrounding Gemini, particularly focusing on the criticisms leveled against its benchmarks and demo and contrasting its capabilities with those of Open AI's current GPT-4 model. By delving deep into these aspects, we’ll seek to unravel the complexities and implications of these advanced AI technologies, offering our readers a detailed, critical analysis of the current state of AI innovation and its future trajectory.

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Overview of Gemini AI Model

Google’s Gemini AI model has been introduced as a formidable contender in the AI arena, promising advanced capabilities through its various iterations: the Ultra, Pro, and Nano versions. Each tier caters to different applications, from powerful cloud-based solutions to nimble on-device assistants.

Faked Demo Criticisms

However, there were many serious complaints about the model’s debut, particularly about the authenticity of its demonstrations. A decidedly critical review by TechCrunch revealed that the most impressive demo of Gemini was essentially fabricated. The video titled “Hands-on with Gemini: Interacting with Multi-modal AI” showcased the model’s ability to understand and mix language and visuals. It included feats like evolving a sketch of a duck, recognizing shadow puppet gestures, and reordering sketches of planets. While visually impressive, it was later disclosed that these demonstrations were not real-time but rather a series of carefully selected and shortened text prompts with still images.

This same TechCrunch article points out in no uncertain terms,

“despite including some real parts, the video simply does not reflect reality. It’s fake.”

Implications of Misrepresentation

This revelation raised questions about the actual capabilities of Gemini and the integrity of Google’s portrayal of its AI technologies. For instance, in a segment where Gemini appeared to intuitively play Rock, Paper, Scissors, it was later clarified that the model does not reason based on individual gestures but requires all three gestures to be shown at once with a textual prompt. Similarly, in another instance, Gemini seemingly ordered planets correctly, but the actual prompt included additional hints, questioning whether the AI genuinely recognized the planets or required guided input.

These examples, while potentially trivial, highlighted a discrepancy between the portrayed and actual capabilities of Gemini. The demo’s embellishment not only cast doubt on the model’s real-time interactive abilities but also affected Google’s credibility in the AI sector. The company’s claim of a ‘stylized representation’ in the demo was seen by many as intentionally misleading, paving the way for skepticism about the veracity of capabilities showcased in future AI demos from Google.

AI generated image: close-up macro photo of a micro chip

Google’s Gemini AI vs Open AI's GPT-4

In the world of AI, comparisons between models are crucial for understanding their relative strengths and potential applications. Google’s Gemini and Open AI's GPT-4 represent two leading-edge technologies in this space, each with unique features and capabilities.

Gemini’s Multi-modal Approach

Gemini stands out with its multi-modal capabilities, processing not just text but also images, audio, and video. It boasts a 32k token context length and a diverse dataset, including non-Latin scripts, positioning it as a versatile tool for a variety of applications.

GPT-4’s Maturity and Text-Based Expertise

By contrast, GPT-4, known for its maturity and widespread availability, excels in generating accurate and consistent text. It maintains context over longer conversations, demonstrating its prowess in complex dialogues.

Benchmark Comparisons

When it comes to benchmark performance, both models have their strong suits:

Gemini Ultra & Pro vs GPT-4V: Gemini Ultra shows superior performance in several benchmarks, such as MMLU and GSM8K, compared to GPT-4. However, in tasks like Hellaswag and Natural2Code, GPT-4 exhibits robust capabilities. These benchmarks reveal that while Gemini might have an edge in certain areas, GPT-4 remains a strong competitor, especially in language-based tasks.

Real-World Tasks: In visual understanding tasks, Gemini outperforms GPT-4, as evident in TextVQA and DocVQA. Similarly, in speech and language tasks, Gemini models display lower error rates compared to GPT-4, indicating stronger performance in voice recognition and multilingual capabilities.

Academic Performance: Analyzing their performance in academic disciplines, Gemini Ultra outperforms GPT-4 in most fields, showcasing its utility in a broad range of knowledge areas.

It is important to note that according to Google,

Gemini Ultra will only be available to select customers, developers, partners, and “safety and responsibility experts” before rolling out to developers and enterprise customers, followed by Bard “early next year.”

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Practical Applications and Future Prospects

The comparison indicates that Gemini excels in multi-modal and speech recognition tasks, while GPT-4’s strength lies in language understanding and consistency. This divergence in capabilities suggests varied applications and potential development paths for each model. Gemini, with its multi-modal training, could revolutionize interactions in a visually and audibly rich internet environment, while GPT-4’s text generation prowess makes it a reliable tool for applications needing nuanced language understanding.

The Importance of Transparency and Accuracy

The controversies surrounding Google’s Gemini AI model underscore the critical importance of transparency and accuracy in AI demonstrations and benchmarks. Misrepresentations, even if unintentional, can erode public trust and hinder the advancement of AI technologies. For AI to be embraced and effectively integrated into society, users must have confidence in the authenticity of its capabilities and demonstrations.

The recent Gemini TechCrunch review paints this real-world risk in plain-to-see stark contrast. Saying,

“What Google has done here is poison the well. How can anyone trust the company when they claim their model does something now?”

Impact on AI Development and Trust

The Gemini controversy serves as a cautionary tale for the AI industry. It highlights the need for developers and companies to be forthright about their AI models’ abilities and limitations. This transparency is vital not only for maintaining credibility but also for setting realistic expectations among users and stakeholders. As AI continues to evolve, maintaining public trust will be paramount, especially in an industry where advancements are rapid and often difficult for the general public to comprehend.

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Future Trajectory of AI Technologies

Looking ahead, the lessons learned from the Gemini and GPT-4 comparisons could influence the future development of AI models. We may see a heightened focus on ethical AI development, where accuracy and honesty in representing AI capabilities become as important as the technologies themselves. Additionally, this scenario may prompt more rigorous peer reviews and independent validations of AI models, fostering a more transparent and trustworthy AI ecosystem.



Joe Slade
The Nerd Circus

I am a writer, artist and technology geek. As a newly minted digital nomad, I've developed a love for exotic locations, craft coffee, and sturdier flip-flops.