Star Wars: Top Ten Alien Species Ranked From Worst to Best

Alex Walulik
The Nerd Report
Published in
6 min readNov 12, 2020

Jawas, Gungans, Hutts. There’s so many alien species in Star Wars. Here is my top ten alien species in Star Wars, ranked.

Editor’s Note: Only intelligent, sentiment species will be included in this list. Creatures and monsters such as banthas, porgs, tauntauns, etc. will not be included, that will be another list.

№10: Duros

Duros are the most classic alien-looking species in the galaxy. But, I really enjoy the simplicity of their design and appearance. With their dome-like heads and red, bug eyes, Duros are classic sci-fi aliens.

Furthermore, Duros can be spotted in numerous places throughout the galaxy, and they are oftentimes interacting with other Star Wars aliens, which is interesting. The popularity of Duros was heightened with a certain bounty hunter — Cad Bane, who is simply a badass, underrated character from The Clone Wars.

№9: Trandoshan

One Trandoshan appeared in the Star Wars original trilogy, but he was certainly memorable. Bossk was a Trandoshan bounty hunter tasked with finding Han Solo along with the infamous Boba Fett. But Bossk isn’t the only Trandoshan feared throughout the galaxy.

In fact, the entire species is feared throughout the far reaches of the galaxy. These aliens are ruthless hunters and killers that track their prey across planets. Once again, fans were introduced to the Trandoshans and their culture in The Clone Wars.

Trandoshans are the predators of Star Wars, devoted hunters that utilize high-tech weaponry to kill their targets. They enjoy hunting Wookies. You have to be pretty messed up to enjoy hunting Wookies.

№8: Zabrak

The most badass design in Star Wars belongs to the most badass character in Star Wars — Darth Maul. No question, Maul is one of the coolest, most badass parts of the saga. The Zabrak sith possesses the most stunning character design in the history of Star Wars. From the multiple horns to the tattoos and everything in between, the Zabrak look badass.

Maul is the most famous Zabrak, but there were many others. First and foremost, Maul’s brother Savage Oppress. There were also two Zabrak Jedi — Eeth Koth and Agen Kolar, both of whom served on the Jedi Council.

On The Clone Wars, fans learned that the Zabrak live in a matriarchy, with the powerful Zabrak leader deciding the fates of the others. There is so much lore and history associated with the Zabrak, and it’s because fans love the most fearsome Zabrak of them all — Darth Maul.

№7: Togruta

In Attack of the Clones, fans were introduced to a Togruta Jedi named Shaak Ti, who had an interesting, standout design. However, the popularity of the Togruta greatly increased with the introduced of Ahsoka Tano in The Clone Wars. Suddenly, the importance of the Togruta was solidified in the Star Wars. Ahsoka was one of the few Jedi to fight in both the Clone Wars and Galactic War, along with her dedication to her obligation, Ahsoka is one of the greatest heroes in the Star Wars saga.

Togruta have noticeable head tails which grant this species the ability of increased sensitivity and empathy. This trait makes Togruta prefect Jedi, demonstrated by Ahsoka and Shaak Ti. However, Togruta are skilled fighters, which make this species dangerous and sometimes feared.

№6: Mon Calamari

Mon Calamari are arguably one of the most important species in the Star Wars saga. The Mon Calamari are excellent strategists and pilots, oftentimes assisting the rebels in space combat such as the Battle of Endor.

Piloting the Mon Calamari command ship Home One, Admiral Ackbar led his people in a final assault against the Death Star. Admiral Ackbar outsmarted the Empire through his innovative piloting tactics. This highlighted the intelligence of the Mon Calamari, an underwater race.


№5: Tusken Raiders

Tusken Raiders, also known as Sand People, are one of the most savage, feared species in the galaxy. They’re skilled hunters and killers. Tusken Raiders appear to have an understanding of technology and culture, which is interesting.

Although the Tusken Raiders are portrayed as ruthless, bantha-riding killers, the Tusken Raiders were humanized in the premiere episode of The Mandalorian. Check out my review of that episode here. However, the violence of the Sand People isn’t justified. They abducted, tortured, and murdered Anakin Skywalker’s mother. And when Anakin discovered the remnants of his mother, his turn to the Dark Side began. Overall, without the Tusken Raiders, no Darth Vader. Thanks guys…

№4: Jawas

What the fuck does a Jawa look like without a hood — one of the greatest mysteries in Star Wars. Jawas are scavengers that dwell on Tatooine, and they’re everywhere selling cheap, scavenged technology.

Jawas will steal any item or piece of technology in which they encounter. However, without Jawas, the Star Wars saga would not exist. A group of Jawas kidnapped R2-D2 and C-3PO, and sold them to Luke Skywalker in A New Hope. The rest is history. And all fans can do is thank the Jawas.

№3: Yoda’s Unknown Species

Yoda has become synonymous with Star Wars. He is arguably the most famous alien in all of cinema (apologies ET). The only reason Yoda and his unknown species didn’t win this list is because Yoda was (key word, was) the singular representative of his species.

Fans know nothing about Yoda’s race, including a name. There are numerous questions and mysterious surrounding Yoda’s species. Did they suffer extinction and die? Are they out there in the galaxy? The fate of Yoda’s people continues to be a mystery, but there is a chance fans will eventually get some answers through The Mandalorian’s Baby Yoda.

№2: Ewoks

Ewoks are the most polarizing species in the Star Wars saga. Some fans believe Ewoks are pointless and irrelevant, and others adore their cuteness. I’m team Ewok, clearly demonstrated by their ranking. Without the Ewoks, the rebels would have failed. The Ewoks are the most primitive race in the galaxy, but they do know how to stage an attack.

The Ewoks are adorable, and when fans are introduced to Ewoks, they were attempting to eat our heroes. Ewoks are killers, it’s that simple. Ewoks are viewed as marketable, cute bears, but an Ewok would not think twice of killing someone with sticks and rocks, and then proceeding to eat their face. Isn’t that adorable.

№1: Wookies

Of course, everyone’s favorite Star Wars alien species are the walking carpets — Wookies. Chewbacca and the Wookies symbolize the perfection and complexity of Star Wars. They have an unforgettable, eye-catching, and interesting design, and they are excellent fighters too. Most notably, Chewbacca and other Wookies are in fact aliens, but they have an undeniable trait of humanity.

Wookies reside on the planet Kashyyyk, and are amazing fighters, engineers, and negotiators. Chewbacca is the premiere example of this. In Revenge of the Sith, the planet of Kashyyyk is explored. There, Wookies live perfectly with nature and technology, building a paradise in the process. Wookies are also fiercely loyal, demonstrated by Chewbacca’s dedication to the gunslinger that freed him from slavery — Han Solo.

It’s simple. Wookies are the best. ARGGGGHH (my best Chewbacca impression).

