The making of a super-netpreneur

Orih Chima Joshua
The netpreneurs diary
2 min readFeb 5, 2019

A netpreneur is an internet entrepreneur who uses digital tools and technologies towards achieving a set business goal. He is a shooter who aims at gunning down internet users in the bid to make them an end user of a product or services. He becomes ‘’super’’when he explores these areas which includes: sales ad, psychology of selling online, blogging, affiliate marketing, Content marketing, mini importation, software vending, Mobile marketing, info marketing, network marketing, E-Commerce, social media marketing,sales funnel .

Every good Netpreneur is known to be a web designer who Develops websites and blogs.A Simple introduction to wordpress can make you start a journey as a Netpreneur… my job here is to give you an introduction and guide you through the part of becoming a super-netreneur. Word press is a free open source software used to build blogs, websites and Mobile app, it is Powered by 2 modules which is known as themes and plugins.. Themes are used to control or configure the general outlook or apperance of a word press site and the types of wordpress themes are premium themes and free themes, this premium themes come With Advanced functions and components while free themes are very limited in functions and configuration. Plugins too are also used to extend or introduce a new feature to wordpress we have different types of plugins which include payment gate way which is used to accept payment on a website, it is also used to Bill users, the next one is called E-Commerce plugins which is used to sell products-services in a website. Security plugins are also used to secured websites and make it safe and hack free. Page builders:this is a drag and drop interface you can use to create custom pages. Social media plugins is used to share Content from your website to social media network also Marketing plugins are used to increase sales and conversation in a site. i will be taking you through some practical steps on how to launch wordpress,get it installed create a database in my next and

