Introducing: The Join Capital Ambassador Program

The Neue Industry
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2023

Some of the world’s greatest challenges remain unsolved due to inefficient industry and legacy operations. At Join Capital, we believe the necessary solutions are being built by today’s entrepreneurs.

That’s why we’re making strides to connect Europe’s most prolific industrial players with the innovative technologies they need most. We call this new ecosystem The Neue Industry, and we’re now introducing a brand new part of it: the Join Ambassador Program.

Through this program, we work to establish key tech evangelists within European corporates and throughout the German Mittelstand to better connect our founders to new opportunities, including pilot programs, customer acquisition and building the foundations for potential “techquisition”.

Although the official program is new, the concept itself is not new for us at Join: We’ve been working since our inception on developing an extensive innovation network within Europe, and we’re thrilled to now roll it out in a way that benefits all stakeholders.

Our primary goal is to help technical and mission-driven founders to re-write the very essence of industry and enterprise.

Want to know more? Keep reading!

Why the Join Ambassador Program?

We‘ve nominated digital transformation and innovation managers within European companies as Join Ambassadors. We thus have the ability to test and pilot the solutions of our current and future portfolio companies.

For our team at Join, the program allows us to make better and faster decisions in due diligence, and our portfolio companies to validate their tech and product. It also brings us continuous, valuable insight into product-market fit and market dynamics.

How does the program work?

Through the Ambassador Program, we aim to cover the whole industrial value chain.

Here’s how it works:

  1. We establish key relationships with digital transformation officers and innovation managers within European industrial companies.
  2. We offer our Ambassadors curated technology proposals from within our portfolio.
  3. Depending on relevant fit, we establish connection between startup and corporation to facilitate a pilot program
  4. We maintain ongoing check-ins throughout the pilot process and gain further insight into product validation

Three of the less obvious, but still important, benefits of our program are:

  • The more our network grows, the more insight and knowledge we gain about markets, product fit and value propositions.
  • Our Ambassadors form their own community, through which they can exchange further knowledge and forge new partnerships.
  • Ambassadors stay ahead of the latest tech trends, including but not limited to what is happening within our portfolio.

We’re already seeing this format creating a win-win-win for all stakeholders.

What are the results looking like so far?

Currently, we have a network of more than 72 Join Ambassadors, and over 11 commercial agreements with portfolio companies. These numbers are growing by the week.

At our most recent Portfolio Day, we featured a panel with three of our Ambassadors — Malvine Komorek, Innovation Manager at Schauenburg International, Marco Svara, CTO at Gefran, and Karsten Keil, VP Group IT and Digitization at Schnellecke Logistics— who discussed how the program is allowing them to continue innovating and gain exposure to transformative technologies.

“Being part of the Ambassador Program has helped us in our process to identify new technologies that could transform our operations and processes. This is truly a win-win-win,” said Karsten Keil.

Join Ambassadors discuss the program’s early impact on their organizations

How can I get involved as an Ambassador?

Simply get in touch with us, and we’ll send you a preliminary questionnaire and organize an introductory call. If the fit is right, we’ll connect you to one of our portfolio companies with relevant technologies. Ultimately, the goal is to quickly set up a pilot program that benefits all sides.

Ready to get started? Don’t hesitate to reach out to Vanessa, our Head of Ambassador and Investor Relations:

