Upscale your AI Generated Images for Free

Rob Young
The Neuralist
Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2023

AI image generators like Midjourney and Ideogram natively export at a resolution not suitable for applications like printing and web design. The solution? Upscaling your images — for free. homepage with file upload CTA from upscales your image resolution up to 4x — enough for most printing applications

If you’re out here grinding, trying to build a print-on-demand (POD) business, or a web design business, or just sell AI generated images, chances are strong that you need a better resolution image than what the popular generators can support.

Take Midjourney for example. It’s my personal favorite, and it’s the most capable image generator on the market.

But it only natively exports to 1024 x 1024 in V5:

A table listing Midjourney’s native upscale resolutions
Current Midjourney image sizes

And no — trying to prompt the model with quality words like “ultra-good-photorealist-8k-best quality” does absolutely nothing to influence the actual image output resolution.

You’re just stuck with the 1024 x 1024.

Or are you?

What is Upscaling?

According to Adobe, “Upscaling an image is the process of enlarging it without any loss in image quality. This makes the image presentable in larger formats.”

This means you can take that 1024 x 1024 Midjourney image and increase the resolution without quality loss.

“Whoa, that sounds expensive though… right?”


Upscaling Images for Commercial Applications

There’s actually lots of options out there to upscale your images to make them suitable resolutions for print and other design applications.

Some are paid, and some are totally free. from is one of those totally free ones (at least at the time of writing).

They offer a freemium model — upscale one image at a time for free, or subscribe to upscale lots of images at once.

The tool works great, and it’s stuper easy to use! Here’s how it works:

1. Upload your image

Pretty straight forward here. Just drag and drop an approved file format and the tool will get to work.

The drag and drop upload interface on
Drag and drop or upload from your device

2. Choose your resolution

Now that the AI has analyzed your image, you can choose either “normal” upscaling (2x) or “AI upscaling.”

The quality selection interface on, show side by side images with different resolution options.
Choose your resolution — up to 4x upscaling

The AI upscaling works great and upscales up to 4x on the image, which is perfect for POD applications and web design.

You can also “enhance quality” with the toggle switch above to get further sharpening of the image and reduction in pixelation at high zoom!

3. Download your image

Download your image and you’re off to the races!

And just to verify, we did end up with an upscaled image at 2x the original Midjourney upscale:

The image info for the upscaled image, confirming that image dimensions have been upscaled
We’re up to 2048 x 1280 — more suitable for print applications!

Upscaling vs. Vectorization

Upscaling is great for photorealistic images — it lets you create a much larger image without pixelation or quality loss.

But, what about graphic images?

That’s where Vectorization comes in, turning your Midjourney generated graphics into scalable vector graphics. Check that out here:

Both of these strategies work really well, it just comes down to image type and application to decide which one to use, but a good rule to follow is:

  • Anything that looks like a photo probably shouldn’t be vectorized.
  • Most images that look like an illustration or a render can be vectorized.

That’s it guys. Thanks for reading, and I hope this tip has been helpful!

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Rob Young
The Neuralist

AI and ML enthusiast | Striving to be an unbiased thought leader | Global Tech Product Leader and Strategist