The Royal Cult Of Personality

When Admiration Goes Too Far.

Published in
4 min readApr 30, 2023


Photo by David Williams on Unsplash

As the world gears up for the coronation of King Charles III, many are understandably excited for the pomp and ceremony that will soon be on display for all to see.

However, beyond the lavish displays of wealth and power, there is a concerning trend of worship and adoration for the monarchy that cannot be ignored.

During the coronation, the Archbishop of Canterbury and royal blood princes (e.g Prince William) will be expected to kneel before the king and kiss his right hand before swearing allegiance to him. Furthermore, the public have been asked to recite their own pledge of allegiance to him.

The pledge goes as follows:

“I swear that I will pay true allegiance to Your Majesty, and to your heirs and successors according to law. So help me God.

While some may view this ceremony and the accompanying adoration as nothing but harmless tradition, it is important to examine the deeper implications of this behavior. The Royal Cult of Personality has elevated the British monarchy to a position of almost divine status, with the king and his family being revered as infallible figures worthy of unwavering loyalty and devotion.




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