Listen To Me

maurice blocker
The Never Forever
Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2016
Photo by Brad Lloyd on Unsplash

The voice has been her best friend since the age of twelve. It comforted her through her parents divorce, through the countless teasing as a teen, through her many break-ups with assholes as an adult. It’s her voice of reason and strength, sometimes of better judgement, but always a voice to listen to. It told her… it’s OK to flatten daddy’s tires, he cheated on mommy with that fake tittied slut. She had to… spike the punch at the school dance tonight with laxatives that’ll teach those fuckers to mess with us. The voice never let her be the victim. There’s nothing wrong with sucking your boyfriend’s best friend’s dick, since he was the one who cheated first.

The voice has always taken care of her. It’s helped her be more confident and assertive, helped her rise through the ranks at work… let’s use those texts the boss has been sending us about wanting to eat our ass to get that promotion. The voice has a soothing calmness to it, a breezy lightness with its words. She once described it as angelic but soon stopped after she got one too many looks as if she were crazy for having a voice in her head. She’s never questioned the voice. Never doubted its instructions. Never, until this very moment. Kill her, said the voice, as she washed her baby.

Inspired by my TEN WORDS OR LESS.

