Crafting the Resistance: Halloween Edition

Tori Bryan
The Nevertheless Project
4 min readOct 23, 2017

It’s time for the Halloween scramble and it’s been a year full of pop culture perfect for dressing up. First though, remember the basic rules of a good costume: be funny, be clever, but for the love of god, don’t be offensive.

Don’t dress up in blackface or brownface, or as one of the many serial abusers that have been outed this year, or a Nazi or white supremacist. If you think it might be offensive, it probably is. If you think you’re just being edgy and someone might get offended but they’re just sensitive, you’re wrong. Being intentionally offensive isn’t clever or funny or new, it’s just being an asshole. You don’t get to whine if a photo of you gets out (because you posted it) and the internet drags you for being an idiot.

Now onto the fun stuff!

Wonder Woman

We all cried during Wonder Woman, right? The best part is that there are TONS of outfits to choose from depending on your comfort level.

Have a lot of tans and beiges in your closet? Go as one of the women from Themyscira. Got a blue gown? Put your hair up, stick a sword down the back of your dress (it works, I promise!), and you’re Diana at the ball. Is the weather forecast cold? Bust out a black trench coat, hat, and glasses, and you’re Diana in London (just don’t forget the sword and shield!).

Or go all out, make your own armor, and dress as No Man’s Land Wonder Woman.


Need a quick and easy costume for that party you just found out about? Put that pair of cat ears to use and go as something truly scary this year: cat-calling.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Grab a black graduation gown or long black dress in a pinch, a pair of big glasses, and a white scarf or bit of lace. Boom. You’re now Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Variations: Swap the white scarf or lace for an embellished collar and silently announce your dissent all night. Or add a crown for Notorious RBG.


Listen, this one is admittedly a risk. Eleven was a popular costume last year, but season 2 of Stranger Things premieres on October 27, so it’ll be back on everyone’s minds. Be flexible with this one because with the new season, you may need to make a few adjustments in case the iconic costume doesn’t make a return.
Variation: Grab two friends, do a Harry Potter crossover, and call yourselves Granger Things.

Steven Universe

Steven Universe makes me feel better about the world. Get a group together and go as a big group of gems.

The Handmaid’s Tale

Bold choice, but you get the added benefit of subverting nearly every damn restrictive law in Gilead on Halloween. We’d recommend opting for the smaller white cap than the full winged one so you don’t lose your peripheral vision. And hey, maybe someone will realize the scary path the country’s currently on!

Birth Control

Fuck it, let’s go all in. What’s your preferred birth control option?

Whatever you dress up as for Halloween, spend time with friends, eat lots of candy, and GOD DAMN IT DON’T BE OFFENSIVE.

