Rage, rage against the dying of the light

Taekia Blackwell
The Nevertheless Project
4 min readOct 3, 2017

Silver lining of waking up Monday morning to news of a massacre? I woke up this morning with the calm realization that outside of a bomb somewhere nearby and heavily populated (not totally unlikely in this day and age) the week couldn’t really get much worse.

Sunday night’s tragic events in Las Vegas will be something we’re dealing with in the days and weeks to come. We’ll be sorting through emotions and figuring out what to argue for… But after the first 24h…here are arguments I’m done having:

1 - There’s just nothing we can do (alternatively: guns are so ingrained in American culture it’ll take a generation to remove them) — Okay, let’s start now. Since when did we become passive punk ass bitches who let our country be overrun with assault rifles? Inaction kills. Are we Americans or are we BITCH BABIES. Jesus Christ. You stand on soil earned through war and bloodshed and protest… by people who refused to be told to wait and we are letting people get gunned down in the fucking street. In classrooms and concerts and theaters all because some special interest group says we have to take it. I’m not gonna take it anymore.

2 - Anything about the 2nd amendment…. Show me your well regulated militia and we can talk. Like register your fucking group of trained soldiers with a government body and I’ll give you your second amendment. Not well regulated? THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP. It’s honestly like people have forgotten how to read. Is that the problem? We’ve raised a giant constituency without the power of context clues and reading comprehension? It’s the first part of the fucking sentence how do you just skip it blindly. HOW. HOW ARE WE STILL HAVING THIS CONVERSATION IT’S THE GODDAMN CONSTITUTION. Ready? “A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State….” (because they were afraid of dictators) “…the right of the people to keep” (like just hold on to. fine KEEP your guns. give me the bullets) “…and bear Arms” (oh those are the two words we boil this down to, ah, okay) “…shall not be infringed.” AND I JUST DID THAT FROM MEMORY B/C THE SECOND AMENDMENT IS SHORT AS SHIT AND THE BANE OF EVERYONE’S FUCKING EXISTENCE. The next time you step to me on Twitter touting the second amendment, I expect you to be able to recite it or to get the fuck out of my face.

3 - Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. (Does that mean toasters don’t toast toast? Toast toasts toast??) But in all honestly, go fuck yourself with that logic. You know what doesn’t spray hot lead on an unsuspecting crowd yards away? A knife. You know what wouldn’t lead to the injury of hundreds in mere minutes?? I think you get my drift, and this is the calmest I can be today. Please take this with all due disrespect and kindly fuck off with this rationalization.

4 - This is not the time for poli — let me stop you right there. THAT IS A POLITICAL STATEMENT YOU FUCKING USELESS FUCK. You are using it to shut down people who are voicing their disgust with the fact that ONE MAN can gun down hundreds. People crying out for life are being silenced because you don’t want to deal with the conversation. What better fucking way to honor the dead and destroyed than by saying we will not let this happen again. WE WILL NOT LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN. But you want to, your constituents like their guns and you’re bankrolled by the NRA, you want to let this happen again. So when you say “shhhh there’s a tragedy unfolding” you’re using the deaths of 59 people in the most despicable of ways. You’re using it to ensure there’s a 60th… and a 100th… to GUARANTEE that tomorrow or next month or next year there’s another worst mass shooting in American History. You know it, I know it, the world knows it. We’ve reset the clock and another one will come. So if right now, before another life is lost, is not the time for politicizing the issue… what you’re saying is never. And fuck that and fuck you.

5 - This is the price we pay for freedom. Woo boy. Man, taste the vile layers to that one. Get the full bodied aroma of fuckery and murder. The price we pay? You mean they paid and their families paid for you and yours to keep and bear arms. My freedom is not tethered to semi automatic rifles. My freedom comes in the form of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness which we see cut short time and time again by maniacs with machine guns. My freedom will take you out back and kick your ass with its bare fucking hands like the boss bitch it is, no guns required. You disgust me.

Honorable mention: Anytime we compare or pivot from the “lone gunman, people say he liked BLANK” mass murderer to violence in the inner-city… Chicago, Baltimore, you name it. I’m looking at you Sarah Huckabee Sanders. I’m DONE. You’re racist and it’s boring. Come at me with better material.

And this is your daily reminder that people in Puerto Rico are still facing a major humanitarian crisis, won’t have electricity or clean drinking water for the foreseeable future, their ability to grow their own food has been decimated and the incomprehensible inaction of this administration is leading to the death of American citizens.

Inaction kills.

Be sad.



Then act.

