Yelling On Twitter: #MuellerMonday

Taekia Blackwell
The Nevertheless Project
2 min readOct 31, 2017

Well, shit.

It’s #MuellerMonday and things have been crazy. We’re still digesting the indictment documents and details of all this. However, if you’ve been having trouble keeping up… take the journey with us.

The news came down Friday that the grand jury had approved charges and arrests were imminent. All weekend, your faves had approximately zero chill… eagerly awaiting the news:

But in the end, Mueller did not disappoint and bright and early Monday morning the 31 page indictment was made public and we awaited the glorious perp walk of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates as they surrendered themselves to FBI custody.

There were phrases like “Conspiracy Against the US” that really got us excited…

No, but really, we were feeling warm and fuzzy. Maybe there is a Santa Claus. Mueller offered us presents, and then there were presents!

People started fancasting the sure-to-come movie adaptation of the slow unravelling of democracy.

We decided to take back a certain initialism…

Though, we had to start acknowledging that this may not be related to the campaign issues of collusion after all. These seemed to be charges to do with Manafort and Gates’s past business dealings with Ukraine officials.

That is, until the shoes kept falling…

And honestly at this point, the Trump involvement and collusion subtext is really just… text.

So we have more to be look out for…

Of course, Donny couldn’t keep from getting in on the action:

(Between us, I’m not sure he knows what that word means…)

And Sarah Huckabee Sanders took “spin” and “stretch” to a whole new Olympic games level. I think she and Kellyanne have a competition going. They’re just trolling us for fun and dollars at this point, right? Right?

And honestly, a lot of us were wondering this:

The GOP Establishment seemed to have a lot to say about upholding the laws of our land and weeding out the scourge of their — HA HA HA, JK. They said nothing.

Today was the kind of day that makes you believe in fairies, noble causes, a righting of wrongs… but it’s also important to remember that this was one day, one small and honestly quiet day out of the more than a thousand remaining in this presidency.

