The Man Has a Near-Death Experience And Discovers That Fear Compresses The Quality Of Life

The NDE of Devon Kramer

El Creativo
Explore Near-Death Experiences


Image by pch.vector on Freepik

Devon was in and out of the hospital in 2017.

He was suffering from kidney stones and infection. At one point, he started giving up. He didn’t know what was going on.

One day, all of a sudden, everything in his body hurt. Devon started panicking. It felt like every organ in his body was failing one by one.

So before passing out, he reached for his phone and called 911. He explained that he felt like he’d drunk poison.

Then Devon fell to the ground.

The next thing, Devon was walking around, but everything felt different.

It felt like he was phasing out of time and then back in time. But he didn’t remember he’d passed out or that he was feeling pain.

So, he was unable to figure out why things were different.

Walking around the corner in his house, he felt the urge to look back.

So, he turned around, and that’s when he saw his body lying on the ground.

The first thing he believed was that everybody had died. But after thinking that, he instantly got the answer that it was only him.



El Creativo
Explore Near-Death Experiences

Hi, my name is Emilien Creativo. I believe in the magic of love. "Ego sum in conspectu meo gigas."