The Woman Has a Near-Death Experience and Sees Our Connections With People on the Other Side

The NDE of Dr. Mary Neal

El Creativo
Life and Afterlife


Dr. Mary Neal — image from

Mary’s whole body was submerged in an untamed river right below a fifteen-foot waterfall point.

Dr. Mary Neal and her husband were avid kayakers.

They had treated themselves to a trip in the Chilian Andes. The breathtaking views of giant mountains covered in snow caps are a few of many scenes they would enjoy together.

Plus, they were going to do their favorite activity, kayaking.

There is certainly a danger to kayaking in the strong rivers that serpents through the Chilian Andes. But to the couple, the course was well within their skill level.

Thus, it came as a shock to Mary that she was now trapped underneath a waterfall, unable to maneuver herself to safety.

Mary Died

Dr Mary Neal had never really contemplated death before.

In her work as an orthopedic surgeon, she’d seen quite a number of deaths. One of her patients, a little girl, had told her comforting words before she passed.

She comforted Dr. Mary by whispering in her weak voice, “Don’t be sad. My angels are with me. My parents need to let me go. Please be…



El Creativo
Life and Afterlife

Hi, my name is Emilien Creativo. Inspired by the magic of love.