The New and Evolving Special Small Caribbean Island Breed

There is no way to define a reality independent of the way we choose to look at it.
Chris Ferrie

I do love this little overcrowded Caribbean place situated nearly in the center of the Caribbean The music of the world is danced to and can regularly be heard playing everywhere here The various languages of the world together with the local Island Caribbean English are spoken all over here on the playgrounds, in the houses, on the paved and on the dirt streets, in the different harbors and in the hotels
The various religions of the entire world together with local religious traditions and creations can freely rejoice and intermingle in this warm small Caribbean place and they will eventually birth new types of religions, of languages and of music here in this highly creative spot as well

I do love this small overcrowded vibrantly multi-ethnic and multicultural Caribbean Island place With many different people coming here from all over the world to mix and match as has been ongoing here from the beginning of times and in so doing to over time create a new small Caribbean Island breed of people
Where already a continually changing world of food from everywhere can be found in its various streets and in its many different restaurants spread out across the breath and width of the small Island and its villages scattered across the uniquely beautiful tropical Caribbean landscape caught right between the Atlantic Ocean bordering it to its north and the surrounding saltier Caribbean Sea on its various other sides

I do love this little overcrowded Caribbean place situated nearly in the center of the Caribbean It’s so cool when the warm heat reaches out to embrace you when you visit from the cold north
It’s so wonderful when the cool breezes stream in on the back of a brief and intense rain-storm
A small place where the multi-ethnic and the multicultural peoples can sometimes for days on end dance and playfully and mischievously parade in one carnival after the other just in order to try and to distance themselves from their ongoing troubles and challenges while giving various forms and dance moves to their fervent dreams and hopes and as a result laying down the required creative foundation of the future to certainly eventually build on going forward

I do love this little overcrowded Caribbean place nearly situated in the center of the Caribbean A longtime for millions and millions of years unified little Caribbean Island even before the Caribbean existed and also even under the various competing native tribes and which will also one day soon again
When the new and evolving multi-ethnic and multicultural population inhabiting the small tropical place will inevitably come to mutually solidly unite and to productively unify once again
And, in the boldly interestingly imaginative process, again and forever more lay the strong and unbreakable foundation and create a vibrantly new and unified Soualiga* land with all and for the good of all** as an inherent part of a future Federal Republic of the Caribbean (FRC).
©Gregory Gilbert Gumbs
*Soualiga is the Carib Indian name originally give to St. Martin/St. Maarten and it means “Land of Salt.”
**”With all and for the good of all (con todos y para todos)” comes from the very important radical raceless independent Cuban nationalist, Jose Marti (1853–1895), who was also a lawyer, professor, poet, essayist, journalist, political activist and a philosopher.



Gregory Gilbert Gumbs
The New and Evolving Special Small Caribbean Island Breed

Gregory Gilbert Gumbs is a lawyer, criminologist, screenwriter, widely-published poet, essayist and a Ph.D. political scientist.