Are Christian Values At Odds With Climate Change Activism?

Some Christian scientists believe that protecting the Earth from human-induced climate change is their *most* Christian duty.

Dr. Pine
The New Climate.
Published in
4 min readApr 12, 2024


In today’s heated climate debate, a surprising rift among demographic groups regarding their trust in climate science is forming. Notably, a significant portion of the Christian community exhibits skepticism towards climate change compared to non-Christians. Surveys suggest that evangelicals, for instance, are less likely than the general public to trust that the Earth is warming primarily due to human actions.

Table showing the percentage of people in the United States that believe in climate change. Evangelicals are amongst the most skeptics
Source: Pew Research Center at

But why might someone holding Christian values be more likely to view climate change activism as contrary to their beliefs? Some express concerns that prioritizing Earth-focused efforts may detract from spiritual pursuits or that such activism could be aligned with political agendas that conflict with conservative values. Others might interpret Biblical prophecies as suggesting that Earth’s fate is predetermined, minimizing human roles in environmental outcomes.



Dr. Pine
The New Climate.

30x Boosted Author | Quantitative Ecologist | Science Editor | Former University Professor | Climate Activist | Feminist