Can I Replace a Furnace with a Heat Pump?

The two aren’t equivalent. Learn a better way to think about heating your home that will save you money, reduce your carbon footprint and wow the HVAC technician.

Matt Traverso
The New Climate.


Left image by ASphotofamily on Freepik. Right image by Freepik

Major HVAC manufacturers have whole web pages comparing Heat Pumps (HP) to furnaces as though they are equivalent and swappable. You would be forgiven for thinking that the two are interchangeable. They are not!

Picking between a heat pump and a furnace is a lot like having to choose between a microwave or a toaster. Sure, they both heat and you probably have friends that are able to live with just one or the other. However, most homes will need both.

In this article, I’ll provide a better way of thinking about the different heating components in your home HVAC system and how these different components can work together to build an optimal heating solution for a home.

I have a Furnace/Stove/Radiator, what’s wrong with that?

Nothing! You probably need it. A heat pump can work alongside your combustion heater to save money and reduce emissions.

Most ways that we currently heat homes are based on the same principles of combustion and heat…



Matt Traverso
The New Climate.

Technical writer focused on clean energy, transistors and fitness data analysis. Ph.D. Biochemist from Northwestern University and Project Manager (PMP).