Can Technology Save Us?

Technology has revolutionised the human experience, but its increased sophistication comes with a catastrophic cost: ecological overshoot.

Paul Abela, MSc
The New Climate.


Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash

Today people are more nourished, live longer, are more educated, have more leisure time (and more money to enjoy their time off) than at any other point in history. We have the technological ability to feed, clothe, shelter and educate every person on Earth, as well as enhance health care and fight major diseases. We’ve never had it so good, and it’s all thanks to our increased ability to harness the power of technology.

Technology has revolutionised the human experience. But its increased sophistication comes with some terrible costs. Our utilisation of technology has made us so powerful that we are changing the environmental conditions we depend on to sustain our technological civilisation. We now find ourselves on the precipice of social collapse.

How on earth has this happened? And, more importantly, can technology save us from a ghastly future?

A line in the sand

On the ‘how on earth has this happened’ part of the equation, we need to consider that life in pre-industrial societies was much, much, slower. The economy was in a steady state as sustained…



Paul Abela, MSc
The New Climate.

Writer and systems thinker | Place a lens on the social, economic and political causes of the climate crisis | Visit my website and blog at