A Promising Climate: Glimpses of Hope for a Sustainable Future

It is no secret that we urgently need to address the climate crisis. But while the challenges we face are significant, there are encouraging signs.

Cris Scribes, PhD
The New Climate.


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Progress is being made towards a climate resilient planet, although not yet at the scale that environmentalists would hope for. Recent advancements in renewable energy and other sustainable practices, showcases our ability to offer practical solutions, tackle key climate issues, and inspire collective action.

Today, younger generations are playing a role in creating new initiatives aimed at combating climate change. With a heightened awareness of concerns and a strong sense of urgency to safeguard our planet, they are advocating for practices and policies that benefit the environment, and ultimately us.

Their united voice and involvement in movements such as Fridays for Future serve as inspiration for our generation, governments, and businesses to take meaningful steps towards addressing climate change. Fridays for Future, led by Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, has seen the young generation mobilize globally to participate in strikes and advocate for more climate change related policies.

