The Definitive Climate Denier Answer Guide

How you can respond to both climate deniers and doomers with hard facts and evidence.

Jerren Gan
The New Climate.


Photo by Katie Rodriguez on Unsplash

Even though the media and news channels have been talking about global warming and climate change for a long time (the first model of climate change was created in 1896 by Swedish physicist Svante Arrhenius; in 1975, Wallace Brooker used the term “global warming” in a scientific paper; and in 1988, NASA climate scientist James Hansen told Congress that “the greenhouse effect has been detected and it is changing our climate now”), there remains a significant portion of the population that denies the impact and existence of climate change.

According to the 2023 Yale Climate Opinion Map, it is estimated that 16% of people in the United States do not believe that global warming is happening. More alarmingly, it is estimated that 30% of the surveyed population believe that global warming is caused mostly by natural changes.

At the same time, The Guardian has revealed that more than 166 representatives who have climate-denying track records and/or misled the public about climate change were given access to COP28.

With climate denial continuing to be prevalent in the discourse nowadays, it is unavoidable that some of us will interact with people who are part of…



Jerren Gan
The New Climate.

Systems Engineer and Physicist | Writing about the environment, mental health, science, and how all of them come together to create society as we know it.