The Year of the Climate Election

Climate Change Brought Us Here — Now Evolution is in Our Hands.

Ricky Lanusse
The New Climate.


Photo by Tania Malréchauffé on Unsplash

We are in a period of undeniable self-inflicted climate crisis. But ironically, our current peril, largely due to our own actions, is intertwined with our very existence. This owes much to natural climate changes over eons. Consider the cosmic events and Earthly upheavals that have shaped us. From asteroid impacts to tectonic collisions, these incidents have sculpted our evolution. Climate change has been a relentless, self-driven force, driving evolutionary pressures and societal changes that made us who we are.

Today, we are in the driver's seat. The Anthropocene is literally man-made. And as such, we have the power to change our actions and our climate for the better — starting at the ballot box. Arguably there has never been a more important election year than this.

Let’s Start at The Beginning*

Life first emerged from the primordial soup some four billion years ago. The actual game-changer, however, was an asteroid strike 66 million years ago, causing a massive cloud of debris to block sunlight and cool the planet. This event wiped out 80% of all animal species. But as they say, tragedy for some often meant opportunity for others. This event marked the end of the Mesozoic era, the…

