The new Azure AD app registration with the Microsoft Identity platform

Rory Braybrook
The new control plane
4 min readJul 4, 2019

I’ve been looking at this, mainly from the perspective of the new “App registrations” flow.

When you create an application, you are asked:

Essentially, just the name and the account type is needed. You can leave the redirect URI blank — more later.

If you are not sure of the types, click “Help me choose”.

It then takes you to the overview page and you’ll also see:

If you click on e.g. the .NET one, you see:

Clicking this adds the redirect URI for you! So much easier then trying to figure out what it is, whether there is a trailing slash at the end etc.

After clicking this, you see:

So it tells you what is going to happen. If you click the button, you see:


Because you do this from inside the portal, Azure AD knows the ID of this client and tenant so the values are pre-populated for you.

All you have to do is copy / paste this into the web.config.

So lets recap.

I have to:

  • Think of a name for my app registration
  • Specify an account type
  • Click two buttons for the redirect URI
  • Download the GitHub sample
  • Copy / paste the ID’s into the web.config
  • Build
  • Run

and I have a working sample in less than five minutes!

Running the sample shows:

Click the button and I see the Azure AD login screen:

(The background BTW is Long Bay in Auckland).

and it shows me all my claims:

I created this sample plus a WPF one plus a .NET Core one and had it all working inside ten minutes.

They can all use the same app registration which is a bonus compared to the old way where I had to have a different registration for each sample. Plus it was all manual and I had to decide between web app / API and native.

Five minutes after I started, I had a fully-working Identity solution with Azure AD and I can now get on with adding the business logic without having to figure out all the Identity details.

The plumbing is hidden from me. I didn’t need to know that the solution uses OWIN middleware or that the protocol is OpenID Connect or that it uses the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) or that the endpoint is a V2 one.

And I can get all the other Azure goodness as well e.g. password protection, conditional access, MFA etc. if required.

You can see that we are heading towards friction-less or seamless Identity.

This is very much a trend in the industry and you can see other vendors like Auth0 and Okta all heading in the same direction.

It is so much easier than it was, especially from a developer perspective.

All good!



Rory Braybrook
The new control plane

NZ Microsoft Identity dude and MVP. Azure AD/B2C/ADFS/Auth0/identityserver. StackOverflow: Presentations: