Using native authentication in Entra External ID to sign up a user with email and OTP

Rory Braybrook
The new control plane
4 min readApr 9, 2024
Image of sign-up
Generated by Copilot Designer

First, read this post, as it covers a lot of the basics.

The documentation is here.

You can use Graph API to sign-up as well but this way allows you to totally craft the UI.

Essentially, you use the API to signup a user. You specify:

  • an email address
  • maybe provide a screen for the user to enter some attributes, e.g. given name, first name, surname, etc.
  • then, an OTP is sent to the email address, and you need to provide a way to enter it
  • you send the OTP back to the API to verify
  • you get a token
  • the user is created in Entra External ID

You are free to do this on one page or use multiple pages or whatever.

As before, we will use Postman.

Note that each step gives a new continuation token that you have to copy to the next step.

Step 1

Image of Postman screen with attributes as below.

The URL is:

with the form containing:

&challenge_type=oob redirect
&attributes={"displayName": "Tom Gmail", "givenName": "Tom", "surname": "Gmail"}
&password=some secure password

Note: There are different options in the flow. You can provide all the information up front, as in this example, or you can provide e.g. password later.

Note: is a fictitious user.

For the attributes, you need to use the schema names, e.g. display name is called displayName. You use JSON format.

If you want to see the attribute names, you could use this utility.

The following is returned:

"continuation_token": "AQA...gAA"

Step 2

Image of Postman screen with attributes as below.

The URL is:

with the form containing:

&challenge_type=oob password redirect

The following is returned:

"interval": 300,
"continuation_token": "AQA...gAA",
"challenge_type": "oob",
"binding_method": "prompt",
"challenge_channel": "email",
"challenge_target_label": "xxx@g*******m",
"code_length": 8

You should get this email sent to the address you specified above:

Image of OTP in an email

Step 3

Image of Postman screen with attributes as below.

The URL is:

with the form containing:


The following is returned:

"continuation_token": "BXq...XA$$"

As per the docs., the sign-up flow then depends on the scenarios as shown in the table:

Image of how to proceed scenarios as per the docs.

The flow above describes the first scenario, as we have already submitted the password and attributes.

The next step is to request a token.

Step 4

Image of Postman screen with attributes as below.

The URL is:

with the form containing:

&scope=openid offline_access

The following is returned:

"token_type": "Bearer",
"scope": "openid profile email 00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000/User.Read",
"expires_in": 3749,
"ext_expires_in": 3749,
"access_token": "eyJ...Qfw",
"refresh_token": "0.A...mYY",
"id_token": "eyJ...kxg"

where the id_token looks like:

"aud": "c7...8",
"iss": "",
"iat": 1712626315,
"nbf": 1712626315,
"exp": 1712630215,
"rh": "0.A...Nk.",
"sub": "qH0...ccw",
"tid": "",
"uti": "at0...CAA",
"ver": "2.0"

The user is created in Entra External ID.

Notice that the “User type” is “Member” not “Guest”.

When I first ran this, the display name for the user in the tenant was “unknown”.

In order for the attributes to display in B2C, you need to select them in the “User attributes” section of the user flow that is configured for the application whose clientID you use in the request.

After selecting “Display Name” and running the calls again, the actual name was displayed.

All good!



Rory Braybrook
The new control plane

NZ Microsoft Identity dude and MVP. Azure AD/B2C/ADFS/Auth0/identityserver. StackOverflow: Presentations: