Working with user attributes using Entra External ID for Customers

Rory Braybrook
The new control plane
3 min readJun 19, 2024
Image showing user profile
User profile personal details.png from Wikimedia

I see a number of questions around this over on stackoverflow.

They are all along the lines of doing user CRUD.

There seems to be a lot of underlying B2C code in Entra External ID.

Which is good because the applications that worked for B2C still work for Entra External ID 😄

The B2C Learn article “Manage Azure AD B2C with Microsoft Graph” is here.

There is a .NET Core code sample referenced in the article.

That page now says “This sample has been archived and is no longer being maintained. You can find a more recent version of this sample here”.

But I don’t see this sample in the sample list.

Back in the day, there was a .NET sample that I updated in GitHub.

Run "B2C Help" for reference:

Get-User : Read users from your B2C directory. Optionally accepts an
ObjectId as a 2nd argument, and query expression as a 3rd argument.

Create-User : Create a new user in your B2C directory. Requires a path to
a .json file which contains required and optional information as a
2nd argument.

Update-User : Update an existing user in your B2C directory. Requires an
objectId as a 2nd arguemnt & a path to a .json file as a 3rd argument.

Delete-User : Delete an existing user in your B2C directory. Requires an
objectId as a 2nd argument.

Get-Extension-Attribute : Lists all extension attributes in your B2C directory. Requires the b2c-extensions-app objectId as the 2nd argument.

Get-B2C-Application : Get the B2C Extensions Application in your B2C
directory, so you can retrieve the objectId and pass it to other commands.

Help : Prints this help menu.

Syntax : Gives syntax information for each command, along with examples.

There was also a .NET Core sample that I updated in GitHub.

Command  Description
[1] Get all users (one page)
[2] Get user by object ID
[3] Get user by sign-in name
[4] Delete user by object ID
[5] Update user password
[6] Create users (bulk import)
[7] Create user with custom attributes and show result
[8] Get all users (one page) with custom attributes
[help] Show available commands
[exit] Exit the program

For both of these, you update the config file e.g.:

<add key="b2c:Authority" value="" />
<add key="b2c:Tenant" value="" />
<add key="b2c:ClientId" value="cf9...bfc" />
<add key="b2c:ClientSecret" value="6~_...qae." />


"TenantId": "",
"AppId": "cf9...bfc",
"ClientSecret": "6~_...qae.",
"B2cExtensionAppClientId": "Find this Application (client) ID in the App
registrations pane in the Azure portal. The app registration is named
'b2c-extensions-app. Do not modify. Used by AADB2C for storing user data.'.",
"UsersFileName": "users.json"

Don’t be confused by the B2C mention of “b2c-extensions-app”.

This is still present in Entra External ID.

Image showing “b2c-extensions-app” in App. Registrations

These apps need updating to the latest version of .NET, new libraries etc. but I have checked both against an Entra External ID tenant and they both still work!

As always, use at your own risk.

All good!



Rory Braybrook
The new control plane

NZ Microsoft Identity dude and MVP. Azure AD/B2C/ADFS/Auth0/identityserver. StackOverflow: Presentations: