Faithful Fridays: A belated update

Gabrielle Koetsier
The New Counterculture
3 min readJul 27, 2019


It’s Friday. It’s also like two months after I’ve last written on Medium. Yikes. Needless to say, a LOT has happened. A lot has changed. And I also forgot to write on Friday, then had to wait until the next Friday, then forgot AGAIN…

Anyways… I’m married now, and technically have a new last name although it’s still my maiden name on every piece of ID that I own. Also, both of my jobs have me listed under my maiden name. Yes, both. That’s kind of why I haven’t bothered to get some new ID yet. That, and the fact that I don’t have my marriage license (am I supposed to go pick it up somewhere, or…?)

Basically, we got back from our honeymoon and returned to Victoria together after visiting my parents and opening all our wedding gifts. The day after we got home (in our cozy basement suite), we both started working. I used my time in the mornings to unpack all my cardboard boxes. I tried to get as many tips as possible from Marie Kondo. Then, in the afternoons, I taught kids for four hours at a tutoring centre. Obviously, this isn’t a full-time job, so in my second week back I started working at the same clothing store I worked at back home. They were able to transfer me and it was really easy, except since then they’ve been scheduling me 5 days a week for like 6 hours a day.

So that’s my life right now — I wake up in the morning, leave the house, work at the clothing store, take the bus to my tutoring job, and then get home around 8 PM. I also work for 4 hours on Saturdays.

It’s not all that bad, though. I like both of my jobs, and Justin enjoys his full-time job. He also really likes cooking so I always get breakfast in the morning and dinner is ready for me when I come home at night. We have a pretty normal routine.

One of the major positives has been the neighbourhood we live in. I really enjoy the wildlife around us — I see bunnies and deer almost every day. Just tonight while walking home, I saw a doe and her fawn. They are very accustomed to humans and aren’t afraid to get pretty close. Another bonus is living so close to the ocean. Last week we went to a cove which is about a 15–20 minute walk away! Plus, the temperature has stayed very mild (so far).

On a final note, while I don’t mind working hard to save up, I’m realizing more and more that I really want to learn more homemaking skills. Obviously I haven’t taken on the stereotypical “housewife” role, since I don’t really cook, but I would love to have the time to try baking different recipes and surprise Justin with something yummy. (Unfortunately our kitchen is pathetically tiny). I’ve been doing a bit of watercolour painting on weekends, and sometimes while I’m hanging up clothes at work, I get ideas of things I’d like to paint. Lately I’ve also been really keen to learn embroidery so I can do a bit of DIY on some clothes! I just think that would be so awesome. I even thought about buying a sewing machine (but where on earth would I put it???).

Well, maybe I’ve just been watching a few too many “Thrift Flip” videos on Youtube, but I really want to try some of those ideas. But instead, I’m working for my money. I also wanted to go on a day trip to Salt Spring island sometime. Hopefully at some point in my life, like when I’m 65, I’ll have some free time.



Gabrielle Koetsier
The New Counterculture

Trying to speak the truth and make the world a better place.