The waves of hate came crashing in, but love washed up on the beach

Gabrielle Koetsier
The New Counterculture
3 min readMay 17, 2019


When we toss a pebble into the ocean, it creates a ripple effect. We have disturbed the status quo. The sea tosses, turns, rages. Like a boiling pot bubbling over, it froths and foams, spewing waves of bitterness onto a bleak beach. The pounding of the waves is rhythmic, like a heartbeat.

There is so much hatred towards those who protect life.

Stirring up the waters; provoking the depths. We know the risks. But if we can save even one innocent life, then our efforts have prevailed. We speak out against the relentless tide because we know that in the end, it will be worth the risk.

I have only words. Against all the power and the thunder of the sea, I am powerless — but I am not alone. My God is with me. He is a God who uplifts the oppressed and the weak; the unborn babies who will never see the light of day. He heals the brokenhearted; those who face unplanned pregnancy and feel completely hopeless; those who have had abortions and wish they could choose differently. He forgives us when we speak out of anger towards people we disagree with, and he replaces our resentment with love and compassion. He gives courage to the fearful when we are too terrified to speak out.

Amidst the waves of hate, I choose to focus on love. I love life and I’m happy to be alive. I’m thankful for my mother who gave life to me. I’m thankful for those who work and volunteer at crisis pregnancy centres and provide loving, non-judgmental support to every woman who walks through their doors, no matter what her situation. I’m thankful for people who are so motivated by their love for unborn babies that they march, and protest, and campaign for human rights for all. I’m thankful for adoptive parents and foster parents — they show that there is truly no such thing as an unwanted child. I’m thankful for politicians who stick to their morals and take action to save lives. Finally, I’m thankful for every single person who has used their voice to speak truth and speak life.

When you look at the stormy sky and rolling waves, don’t despair. When it seems like everyone hates us and despises what we stand for, don’t give in. Stand firm in the tide and don’t let yourself and your convictions get washed away. Instead, treat everyone with gentleness and respect. Forgive those who insult you and pray for those who persecute you.

The waves of hate came crashing in, but love washed up on the beach. It’s a little tattered. It’s bleached by the sea and probably covered in seaweed and barnacles. It may not look like anything valuable, but it’s real love. It’s true love. It’s love for all human beings everywhere — born and unborn, pro-life and pro-choice. Take it home and carry it around in your pocket. A day is coming when the skies will clear and turn to blue, and the seas will be glassy and calm. A day when every human being will have the right to life — won’t that be a beautiful day?



Gabrielle Koetsier
The New Counterculture

Trying to speak the truth and make the world a better place.