
Ali Eskandari
Create Great Experiences
2 min readFeb 5, 2021
Howard Schultz


Global financial crisis.

Starbucks hit the rock bottom.


  • Previous growth halted — checked!
  • Stock price halted — checked!

Consumers quitted their fancy coffee habit.

Starbucks needed a transformation.

Howard back to the game to save the company.

He said goodbye to a growth-at-any-cost culture.

And he said hello to an experience-centric culture.

One day,

Starbucks closed all of its US locations for one afternoon.

Then Howard started re-skilling more than 135,000 employees.

Starbucks signature expresso was reborn.

Starbucks shouldn’t be just a place to get a quick coffee.

It’s a place that remarkable experiences happen.

Howard set a new goal. Create great experiences.

They stopped selling breakfast sandwiches.

Starbucks back with its fresh coffee aroma.

In 2009,

The company’s stock soared more than 143%.


There are common factors that all Starbucks stores share — a sense of community, comfortable surroundings, and that familiar coffee aroma that follows them home on their sweater.

Create Great Experiences

This is how you can earn trust.

This is how people will remember you.

This is how Starbucks, Coca-Cola, and Walt Disney can last decades and even centuries.

They focus on creating remarkable experiences — memories.

PS … subscribe to this baby and every Friday I’II send you a story about how to fascinate and how to create great experiences.

