Ever wondered how you can work & travel?

Rhiannon Payne
The Remote Work Era
6 min readJan 24, 2021

Have you ever wondered how you can work while traveling?

Have you felt like your travel dreams are impossible due to finances or not having enough vacation time at work?

Do you feel like remote jobs are only for people with top tech skills but not for you?

You’re not alone.

This is exactly how I felt in 2013. I was working in an associate-level marketing role at a tech company, making just enough money to afford a studio apartment and travel two weeks out of the year.

In my three years working for that company, I realized it wasn’t enough.

Lifelong Dreams of Travel

I always had big dreams of travel. As a kid, my grandma would tell me travel stories from places like Japan, which inspired me and filled me with wonder. Unfortunately, traveling to far-off places felt impossible. Adventure or even just vacation wasn’t something my parents prioritized — they were more focused on just getting by.

Despite being unable to travel much while growing up (or perhaps because of it), I obsessively watched shows on the Travel Channel like Passport to Europe with Samantha Brown. In my daydreams, I was like Samantha, traveling the world and sharing my experiences with others.

When I got my first full-time office job back in 2013, I finally had enough financial stability to book a trip overseas. My first trip was two weeks in the United Kingdom, and the following year I took a trip to Iceland. After that second trip, I knew I would never be happy sitting behind a desk for most of my life. I wanted to keep moving, keep traveling. I wanted more control over my destiny.

Driving through Iceland with a friend I met on the flight over, October 2014

But even though I worked in the tech industry, I didn’t think I had the right skills to work online full-time (and remote jobs weren’t as common back then). So I looked into options like Workaway, where I could get room and board in exchange for labor around a house or farm.

I was completely set on this course of action and saved money with plans to quit my job. But I eventually realized I didn’t want to throw away my career prospects to fulfill my travel dreams. There had to be a better way.

In 2015, by total chance, I was offered a new job that happened to be remote. I took the offer, booked a flight to Greece to celebrate (leaving 48 hours later!), and haven’t worked in an office since!

Spontaneous solo getaway to Santorini, October 2015

Today in 2021, there are significantly more options for remote work. The workforce is changing rapidly. Options for work you can travel with don’t have to be limited to Workaway-style situations, low-paying gigs, or chance employment offers.

These days, it’s much easier to find fulfilling work that will help you fund your travels on the go. And no, you don’t have to know how to code or even have a degree (I don’t!) to take advantage of these new opportunities!

Create a Life of Travel — Centering YOU!

In my six years of working remotely, I’ve traveled to almost 30 countries, done business in Silicon Valley, Japan, and Europe, and started my own consulting company. My life is completely different than it was when I was working in an office. By taking my work on the road, I was able to meet incredible people and find opportunities I could never have previously imagined.

Remote work opened up my entire world — quite literally.

I was able to create a life that centered on me as a person and my passions and goals, not my boss or my work.

My journey of the last six years is what inspired me to write a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to remote work for women: The Remote Work Era: The Guide for Women to Go Remote & Thrive!

Holding a copy of my book next to the Golden Gate Bridge, December 2020

The Remote Work Era is for remote employees, freelancers, entrepreneurs, and ANYONE with any level of experience who aspires to go down these paths.

My book includes my story of going from a high school dropout to a remote worker, freelancer, and entrepreneur, and how I was able to see the world while working digitally (and earning six-figures).

Buy The Remote Work Era Now For Just $2.99! (Special Launch Price)

But more than that, it includes stories and guidance from 50+ women remote workers globally!

Including a college chemistry teacher who started an online business based on Ultimate Frisbee and left her life behind to become a digital nomad.

And an artist who moves between Japan and Germany, running a THRIVING business doing exactly what she loves.

And a marketer who moved from Toronto to Thailand after getting laid off from her job — and never looked back!

I also started a global Facebook community for remote workers like these to share and grow together — if you’re into the remote lifestyle, join us on FB! (I post new remote opportunities regularly.)

Now is the Perfect Time to Start Working Remotely

The life of travel and experiences that you’ve always wanted is within your reach. And in the Remote Work Era, you don’t have to make career sacrifices to achieve it. (In fact, your career can grow to new heights as you travel!)

If you’ve dreamed of having work you can travel with, the time has never been better to start. My book will walk you through how to design your remote path, get remote jobs, start a freelancing business, or start a product-based business online.

And if you’re already working remotely, my book will walk you through how to grow your career with advice from CEOs, startup founders, freelancers, and top remote workers who are thriving. (Folks from Buffer, Basecamp, Doist, Remote.com, Remotive, the Wikimedia Foundation, Digital Nomad Girls, and more all contributed…)

2020 flipped the world on its head and we saw massive hardships globally. But it also opened our eyes to new possibilities for the workforce. And with this shift to digital, more companies than EVER are hiring remotely.

So make 2021 your year by learning how to start or advance your remote career — and start planning your future travels!

You could spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on a course to help you go remote or become a digital nomad, but my book, The Remote Work Era (starting at $2.99), is all you need to get started and grow!

There is no other book on the market that comes close to this. (And no, I don’t have a course or anything else to upsell you on! You’ll find everything you need in this one book.)

And when travel is more accessible again, this could be you! 👇

Solo backpacking through Japan, April 2016

And Then What?

If you have questions, want to find new remote work opportunities, or want to connect with women remote workers (experts and beginners alike) all over the world, join the exclusive The Remote Work Era: Women Going Remote community on Facebook!

I can’t wait to see you there.

