ISO: Interviews with women who work remotely!

Rhiannon Payne
The Remote Work Era
3 min readMay 6, 2020

Have you ever heard a friend say that they would love to work remotely or start their own business, but feel like it’s a far-reaching or impossible dream? Or maybe they’ve been wanting to take the leap for years, but just don’t know where to start.

I’ve had these conversations a lot.

As a high-school drop-out who moved to Los Angeles at 17, stumbled into a career in marketing, transitioned to remote work, then started a remote media and technology agency, I’ve long wanted to dispel the notion that going remote or becoming a remote entrepreneur is an impossible feat. This is why I’m writing my book, The Remote Work Era, which is set to be published this year (2020). And I need your help.

With the growth of remote work and digital tools, we have more power than ever to break out of traditional power structures, achieve our goals, and find greater freedom. My mission is to show other women that we can all take advantage of the changing workforce to better our lives.

In order to accomplish this, I’m seeking interviews with women who work remotely or run their own remote businesses.

About the Book

In The Remote Work Era, I’ll be highlighting three different types of remote journeys:

  • The FT Worker
  • The Freelancer
  • The Entrepreneur

Over the past decade of my career, I’ve done all three, and I’m looking to interview other women who have excelled in these journeys. Each section will offer a deep dive into understanding the pros and cons of that path, plus how to get started and how to stand out.

Additionally, I’ll be examining the many different types of work that can be done remotely. These include software development, marketing, writing, teaching, accounting, non-profit work, recruiting, project management, law, online course creation, e-commerce, podcast production, and so much more.

Be Featured!

In my interviews with successful remote workers, I want to focus on how each of these different types of jobs can be done remotely, and how other women can follow a similar trajectory.

To be interviewed, simply fill out this quick form and I’ll be in touch via email with additional questions.

What I’m primarily looking for is information and stories specific to your field of work. For instance, if you work in marketing, you might be featured in a section on how to find remote marketing jobs, or how to excel in a certain area of marketing (example: affiliate marketing). So the more field-specific advice you can share (think about talking to another woman looking to make the leap into doing this kind of work remotely), the more applicable it will be to what I’m writing, and the more likely it is that I will be able to feature your story!

My Objective

I’m a writer and a businesswoman whose life has been transformed by the ability to work remotely and start a company online, and this is a topic I am deeply passionate about. This will be my first book, and I hope to use this experience to grow as a writer and connect with other women who have been on similar journeys.

Upon publication, I’ll be offering the book either for free or at a low cost to anyone who wants to become a remote worker or entrepreneur, or anyone who wants to grow their skills or examine all the different paths available to them. Anyone who contributes will be among the first to receive a free copy.

Subscribe For Updates!

If you want to stay up-to-date on publication, please add yourself to our mailing list on my website! I promise you won’t be receiving spam, third-party promotions, or obnoxious messages — just simple and infrequent updates.

You can also follow me on Twitter at rhiannon_io, and follow The Remote Work Era here on Medium or on Facebook.

Thank you! I hope to hear from you.



Rhiannon Payne
The Remote Work Era

Founder of Sea Foam Media & Technology 🌊 Author of The Remote Work Era 📖 (