Can you resilient-see your business’ future?

SETTING: Manhattan, lower east side. Night time.

INT. BAR — the city lights shine in through several floor to ceiling windows casting light and long shadows over a charcoal gray concrete bar. Mixology tools, spirits and mixtures cover the bar. A bartender, male mid-thirties with a long well-groomed beard wears a natural colored leather apron and mixes cocktails at the center of the short bar.

Tirsa, a boho city dwelling product manager in her late twenties sips a Manhattan while speaking with Jose, a tall slender Marketing Manager in his early 40s, and Seth, a consultant in his mid-thirties. Seth is bald, wears dark framed glasses and fitted suit coat.

Seth how is class going? You’re getting you master’s right?

Yeah, at the New School. It’s going well. Just a lot to juggle with work, the baby, and my independent projects.

I can imagine, what’s the program like?

Its good, lots of interesting people from around the world. Refreshing perspectives. Right now my team and I are working on a white paper around organizational resiliency.

Sounds like a buzz word if I’ve ever heard one. Are you synergizing and empathizing as well?

Jose laughs.

Sounds interesting — what’s it all about.

Tirsa, lock it up. Let me share some wisdom.

Yes my wise hairless friend.

The most simplistic description is think of the last time your team or company faced a challenge that disrupted your product or company. Resiliency is the ability to quickly adapt and continue to grow into the future.

Tirsa, it’s like when you all at Amazon enter a new market. Look at what you all have done with AWS and the current players in the cloud space.

Isn’t that just strategy.

Yeah that sounds like a strategic planning to me.

Sure strategy plays a part in it, however I’d argue resiliency is much to do with mindset.

Not another “mind over matter” business framework.

Noooo, seriously though, it’s an important area. Think of how fast technology is changing the market. Every day there’s a new company or competitor.

So how do apply resiliency to marketing? Where we’re helping our clients products stand out versus shaping their business?

First I’d have to say your marketing company must be resilient in the way your organizations addresses its own challenges. Think of AI and marketing automation. What if the future AI is able to comb sentiment and pull images and copy that will resonate with a specific set of the population, and then post it out there. Are you ready to battle that? Better yet, are you ready to lead it?

The bots are coming!

Alright Chicken Little.


Yeah that’s interesting. Is resiliency driven from the top down, or bottoms up.

I think the top needs to make it a strategic focus, but certainly won’t get anywhere without the ground and front line support.

Alright, alright interesting stuff. We all need to be a bit more resilient. Let’s chat more next week at lunch. Until then, cheers to resiliency.




Seth LaPierre
The New Economy by Parsons School of Design

Seth is an innovation consultant enrolled in a Master of Strategic Design and Management at The New School.