Buy My Scary, Hard Program!

It’s totally going to suck!

Lily Starling
The New Entrepreneurs


Buy my coaching program!

You’ll know it’s working when you feel like a 2 year old is having a nonstop tantrum inside your chest, you feel disassociated and mildly nauseated, fearful, doubting, and in constant danger of succumbing to despair.

This is really exciting because all of that hard stuff occupies close confines with your God consciousness. Prepare to have your faith elbowed in the stomach repeatedly! It feels totally awful!

My program is unlike any other because it will take a long time for you to see results, and you may experience intense jealousy and rage toward your classmates who are subjectively getting “better” results than you.

Also, all of your stuff in the outer world will break down; that’s a great sign! It means you’re really experiencing the benefits!

I can guarantee with complete certainty and authenticity that your cash flow will come to a stand still when you need it the most. Surrounded by other freaked out people, there’s a really good chance that for months at a time you’ll feel like a wounded child roaming a merciless terrain in a very affirming blind-leading-the-blind scenario.

One of the biggest advantages of my course is that literally no one in your everyday life will understand what you’re doing and why you’re investing so much time and money in it. So you’ll also experience new levels of isolation and alienation from your comfort zone and usual locus of support!

However, we can absolutely guarantee that unless you work very, very hard and find your own resonant way through the material, your chances of failure are high!

And you probably WILL fail to get the expected results even from the stuff you implemented. In this case, we will refer you to cosmic tech support to be reminded that you are not in charge.

Cosmic tech support may respond to your customer service complaints by breaking more of your stuff, so please be as prepared as you can to have the ground yanked out from under you at any moment. Also, know that there is nothing you can do to prepare for this.

The good news is that many years from now, and I do mean many, you’ll be the most complete, liberated version of yourself no matter what the outside looks like and you will be able to look yourself in the eye and move forward with purpose to be of maximum service.

But let me restate this; it’s going to take years. It’s a slow process with a lot of painful backtracking.

Does this sound appealing? Can’t wait to throw your money at me?

I thought not. That’s why most transformational development programs are marketed with deceptive language, because people don’t want to sign up for hard, scary stuff and they certainly don’t want to pay for it.

But the people who do are my kind of people.



Lily Starling
The New Entrepreneurs

Small business owner, farmer, political activist, Bernie Bro, progressive strategist