We Are All Equal

Fiona Cole
The New Era of Fashion
2 min readDec 21, 2016

One thing that I have wondered during my project is why do we always see fashion images of smaller size women and more curvaceous size women separate? It’s rare that we see the two together. What I wonder is why?

I’ve come to believe this is because fashion see the two as polar opposites. Smaller size models are there to show beauty, to sell you a lifestyle to desire. But when it comes to using plus-size models it seems to be about shouting about how they are all for diversity. It seems its more of a ‘look at us! Look at how diverse we are!’ statement. Because if they use the two body sizes to represent the same ideal then why do we rarely see the same together?

Holly Sexton, UK 12 (left) and Patricia Lopes, UK 6 (right)

This is why in my fourth shoot I have used two different body images. My first model is Patricia Lopes who is a UK size 6. And then I have my second model Holly Sexton who is a UK size 12. I think it is very effective to use two different size models in the same shoot because it puts the two different sizes into the same context, which I feel needs to be done more in the fashion industry to show woman that one size isn’t superior to the other.

Although women come in different shapes and sizes, we deserve the same treatment as our size doesn’t determine us as a person.

