The new generation of satellites
2 min readJun 13, 2019

Do you think we can build Satellite

The CANSATs are one of these mini-satellites, which are not literally aiming to
replace real satellites, but only covering or simulating their main subsystems, with a free cost comparing with the real ones! The data incoming from the CANSAT, could be used then to take several decisions for example about climate or sea level.
CANSAT make gathering data and make decisions depending on the data-analysis of the transmitted by the system, then achieve re-usability of the mini-satellite for another mission.

Miniaturized satellites are satellites of reduced sizes in terms of masse and components,the main idea behind such small system is to decrease the expensive cost of the real satellites, for example: the “launch vehicle” costs from 50 million dollars, up to 500 million dollars, depending on several issues, but mainly the size [Ref_Prop_Quo];

The entire space mission costs from 100 million dollars up to a few billions! [Ref_Prop_Quo][Ref_Prop_Wiki_MIN].
So it is obvious to think the optimization of these mission’s cost by realizing
cheaper systems covering identical or some subsystems of whom existed in the real satellites.
The most commonly system proposed to accomplish this task, is known as
«CUBSAT », which is a mini-satellite packaged in a small cub of small dimensions –more precisely 10 cm3 and no more than 1.3Kg-[Ref_CUBSPEC], which reduces clearly the cost of the mission, comparing the real satellites, the cost of the mission in some sense could be considered as free as Mr. Kim Aaron [Ref_BIO_Kim] affirmed. More Often, the CUBSAT
is built by students, and it is found very interesting due to the range of challenging problems incoming with, like power storage to keep the system responding and the data communication system and so one, which make from the CUBSAT a very important fertile ground of scientific research.
At the other hand there is another competitive type of mini- satellites integrated within a « challenging » volume (more precisely in a can), in such way to fit the major subsystems of a real satellite, such power, sensing, communication system and so one.

This system is called « CANSAT ».
Unlike CUBSAT, a CANSAT is neither left the atmosphere, nor orbited the earth, it is just, take measurements from the atmosphere, using sensors, and monitoring its environment using cameras depending on the mission, then send back the collected data to the ground station periodically for analysis and making decisions.


▪ [Ref_Prop_Quo]: into-space

▪ [Ref_Prop_Wiki_MIN]:

