President Trump

The Best of the Internet, feat. Sassy Trump

Voice redubbing was rarely this politically devastating

William P. Stodden
The New Haberdasher
2 min readFeb 22, 2017


In our first installment of our new Feature, “Best of the Internet” I present something hilarious. This guy Peter Serafinowicz, the same dude who originally did Sophisticated Trump, has one upped himself. He makes a series called “Sassy Trump”. Most of you have probably already seen it, but I am, as usual, late to almost all Parties.

Sassy Trump (I think I am using this term right) queers Donald Trump. It takes the hypermasculinity upon which Trump’s whole public personna rests away and replaces it with a voice more befitting someone is out and LOUD! The flamboyant affect serves as a kind of anti-matter to Trump’s matter, and more or less neutralizes Trump.

This is a great way to beat Trump- Deny him the pillars that he uses to strike other from. If we hear Trump in this way, and are able to laugh at him, 1) Fabulous Trump cannot be Scary Trump, 2) Hypermasculine Bully Trump becomes the person he and his meathead supporters are likely to bully, and 3) Normal people essentially take the piss out of a very powerful person.

Who knows if Trump has seen this. Who cares. It ain’t for him. It is for you and me. I now give you, Sassy Trump.

And as a bonus- slightly less queered, but definitely just as funny, Sophisticated Trump:

