During the past few weeks, we have been talking about the “why” CVProof was addressing an unmet need and the “how” it will bring value to the job market.

Today, we are delving into our revenue model. The reason we believe the INK token will create value for the ecosystem and its contributors.

CVProof will allow companies to easily — and cost-effectively — verify whether an applicant holds the validated career credentials needed for the role they are applying to.

The scope of our services will not be limited to diploma frauds, but include verification of all professional credentials: diplomas, expertise certificates, assessments, references, work certificates, publications, scores, medical certificates, criminal records, training certificates, conference speaker certificates etc.

There will be a transition phase whereby the credentials validated by the platform would have already been issued, by starting a validation request process between the credential holder and the credential issuer.

The Game Changer

The main game changer, however, will result from CVProof offering, all types of organization across all industries and geographies, the ability to issue and deliver professional credentials directly onto the platform, meaning those credentials will be blockchain certified as they are issued.

Professional credentials digital issuance, job applications and sourcing will constitute the core revenue of CVProof, while credentials validation will be the point of entry in the job market and is expected to account for a small part of the revenue mix.

CVProof will be (1) a validation facilitator connecting credential holders with their respective issuers, (2) will enable organizations to directly issue and deliver their professional credentials onto the platform making them immediately blockchain certified.

Disrupting Certificate Issuance

Time for original work certificates and other career credentials sent by post has gone. CVProof will be the ultimate distribution channel for corporates to securely deliver digital and certified career credentials to the legitimate recipients.

Services on CVProof will be settled with INK tokens and not with fiat currency. The price in INK will be set by the user providing the service, however CVProof will define a price range (min/max).

CVProof will earn a commission fee on all services transacted on the platform (validation, authentication, CV editing, sourcing, social media activities, new consulting services).

The fee % will vary according to the type of service.

Services directly provided by CVProof such as credential issuance will be charged on a per document and or subscription basis.

INK as the next job market currency will have a tangible utility value, resulting from the benefits CVproof will bring into the market, in terms of cost reduction, efficiency, transparency and security.

Token Liquidity

INK will be a very liquid token due to the nature of CVproof ecosystem.

Most of the transactions occurring on its platform will be regular, day to day type of transactions covering a wide range of activities and needs, related to the job market. As a result, there will be a growing and recurring flow of transactions taking place on the platform boosting the token demand.

This will lead to a multi-way ecosystem of INK buyers, sellers and receivers creating different level of contribution to the workflow according to the services they need or the ones they provide.

We expect INK’s price to follow the global crypto market in the short term, until the size of the INK ecosystem reaches a critical mass, in the 2-year horizon. From this moment, the value of INK will be driven by the utility CVProof will bring to the market underpinned by an increasing flow of transactions.

Do not hesitate to reach out to the team if you wish to know more about CVProof and the exciting opportunities it will bring to the job market.

If you wish to be a part of this revolution, join our community. Token sale starts soon and the whitelist is now open.

